Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Conscious sedation versus Anesthesia: Know the difference BEFORE you consent!

So you’re about to go in for an outpatient procedure and you’re given a “consent” form to sign regarding the method of sedation to be used for your procedure.  Sounds easy enough, however, before you sign any medical procedure form you should know a few things that might be VITALLY important to your overall wellbeing.  For example, will you be in any danger from the sedation you’re being given during the procedure and do you FULLY understand what your options are or aren’t before you sign?

Most of us have no idea what we’re really agreeing to when we sign all those pages of consent at a doctor’s office.  Why?  We entrust the doctor and what we’re being advised to do without fully understanding exactly what to expect.  I’m not implying that we shouldn’t trust our doctor but that we should practice making informed decisions carefully, especially when we’re able to make those decisions in advance.  I learned a valuable lesson from both:  Before you sign anything ask “What are the options available to me?”  Request a full explanation of what each of those options will mean to your overall outcome and then do your own research.  Good questions to ask are:

*Will I have any level of consciousness during the procedure?  If so, what is that level of consciousness will it be?

*What level of sedation will I be administered (conscious, moderate or deep sedation)?

*Who will be administering the sedation and are they licensed with the state?

*Does my current health condition allow me to receive anesthesia versus sedation? 

*Based upon my current blood pressure (low or high), how will the sedation affect me?

*Will any other drugs be administered during the procedure and what could they possibly be?

*What side effects from the sedation and any other drugs administered to me should I expect?

Before you go to your first appointment, ask the doctor’s staff to fax/email you a copy of all the forms you’re going to be required to sign so that you may review them advance even before your first appointment.  Then carefully read/review those documents you will be signing to ensure you are making an informed decision and that you fully understand the potential risks and results. 

Whether your procedure requires anesthesia or sedation, both are not something to take lightly.  Those who administer either require special training and/or licensing and certification.  Depending upon your procedure, one may be used versus the other.  Understanding what to expect, how and what is being administered and the potential side effects or interaction with your current physical condition is where the “vital” concern lies.


There are different levels of sedation:  Conscious, Moderate and Deep sedation.  The biggest difference between the three levels of sedation is this:  Some awareness versus complete unawareness.  According to the U.S. National Institute of Health’s Medline Plus website Conscious sedation is typically administered by a registered nurse and results in the following:

“Conscious sedation is a combination of medicines to help you relax (a sedative) and to block pain (an anesthetic) during a medical or dental procedure. You will probably stay awake but may not be able to speak.  Conscious sedation lets you recover quickly and return to your everyday activities soon after your procedure.” (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/007409.htm)

Past conscious sedation is moderate sedation.  The purpose of both levels of sedation is to help you relax and minimize discomfort and anxiety during a procedure.  With either, you may be somewhat awake or lightly asleep, but you should be easily awakened during the procedure.  The next level of sedation is referred to as “deep sedation”, where you are not aware at all of your surroundings.  Deep sedation should only be administered by an Anesthesiologist or a Nurse Anesthetist, both of whom are licensed to administer deep sedation and anesthesia.  Based upon the state where you reside, the laws may vary.  In the State of Virginia, the following requirements are given (http://sedation.sgna.org/sedation-standards/virginia-sedation-regulations):

  • All providers of office-based anesthesia shall hold the appropriate license and have the necessary training and skills to deliver the level of anesthesia being provided.
    • Deep sedation, general anesthesia or a major conductive block shall only be administered by an anesthesiologist or by a certified registered nurse anesthetist.
    • Moderate sedation/conscious sedation may be administered by the operating doctor with the assistance of and monitoring by a licensed nurse, a physician assistant or a licensed intern or resident.


In addition to sedation, (conscious or moderate) you may also receive pain management drugs like Demerol.  It is equally important that you ask in advance what types of pain management drugs might be administered so that you can make a fully informed decision.  For example, Demerol is a very strong drug with various side effects.  If you have heart problems, very low or high blood pressure, take any type of medicine, you’ll want to speak to your doctor about the possible complications from Demerol.  Sedation is meant to completely, relax you so that the doctor can do their job.  However, certain health conditions, mixed with drugs that potentially lower your blood pressure, can be a concerning combination. 

Based upon your Insurance carrier, you may or may not qualify for a licensed Anesthesiologist.  If you have any medical condition that could put you at risk (including any of the above), speak to your insurance carrier and your doctor about having the procedure in a hospital with an Anesthesiologist or a Nurse Anesthetist. 

Quick Tips for Wellness:  Know the facts before you agree to any form of sedation.

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