Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Nutritional truth: No sugar added ice cream isn’t much better than regular ice cream

If you are watching your waist line and counting calories, then every morsel counts, right? But how about the nutritional values in food; aren’t they equally important? Something as vague as the words “no sugar added” may make us save a few pennies per pound, but mostly the difference is minute.

Calories per scoop
*The difference between no sugar added and regular ice cream only saves at the most 40 calories per half cup and at the least 15

Fat per serving
*The average “No Sugar Added” or low fat ice cream has about 2-3 saturated fat grams per ½ cup serving. Maximum saturated fat in our diet should be limited to no more than 10% of our total daily calorie intake

Carbs from sugar
*No sugar added contains 14-18 carbs per serving versus an average of 15 carbs in regular ice cream

Protein plus
*No sugar added has between 2-3 grams of protein per serving. The daily recommended allowance for most adults is around 46 grams/women and 56 grams/men

Calcium counter
*Around 10% of our daily calcium requirements (1000-1200 grams daily) can be found in a single serving of ice cream (around 1/2 cup)

Ice cream in moderation (1/2 -3/4 cup serving) won’t ruin your diet, but it won’t give you the needed nutritional benefits your body requires from healthy whole food. Discipline yourself to “think” before you eat, “read” the label before you buy and your “wellness” will follow you.

Quick Tips for Wellness: No sugar added is a small step in a better direction but it's not a completely healtheir choice.

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