Sunday, August 12, 2012

Body Loop: The “Mind to the Spine” connection for Type II Diabetics

From the moment, we consume anything (food, thoughts, environment) our mind is at work sending signals down our spine that reverberate throughout our entire body. This process is also known as the “brain-body loop” and is a vital part of our entire wellbeing.

Those suffering from Type II Diabetes can reverse-the-curse of Type II Diabetes by simply following some basic principles when it comes to nutrition and wellness. Understanding how our bodies make the “connection” begins to put value on what we consume, even more. Instead of depending upon the medicine we consume to do all the work, we can train our body to regenerate and heal itself when we use our natural resources for our wellness. One does not negate the other, but both will help our body get back on track and hopefully, eliminate or reduce the necessity for medicine in our future.

Brain Body Loop

The main communications systems of the body—immune, cardiovascular, and endocrine—are influenced by the brain through direct nervous system activity and circulating hormones. In turn, each one sends signals to the brain—completing the loop. Here, is how it works:

• Our brain connects through a “loop” like system of neurotransmitters and hormones (aka nerve and messenger chemicals)

• These “messengers” profoundly influence how our body responds to everything we consume and how our body utilizes, stores and spends nutrition and environmental influences we subject it to.

“Nerves form circuits that extend from the brain to the spinal cord and then to both the interior and the farthest reaches of the body. Hormones produced by the body’s glands and internal organs speed messages along these nerve pathways. The brain is able to interpret these hormonal messages with the help of special receptors and then send out messages of its own. These busy communications circuits—and we have quite a few of them, often performing simultaneously—make up, in effect, an intricate “brain-body loop.” (Lynne Lamberg/2007,

When we understand the mind body loop, we can appreciate the importance of consumption and how it influences what we subject ourselves to, and how it becomes part of our overall wellness. Instead of viewing food and beverage as a “just for now” decision (buy now pay later physically/emotionally) we see nutrition as a vital interacting part of how our body performs and responds, overall. Many people think their genetics (grandpa lived to be 90) will influence their choices, today. However, they forget that nutrition and the environment today are both a far cry from what grandpa consumed.

Disease and illness

At what point should we acquiesce to our condition (Type II Diabetes)? Should we simply become dependent upon medicine, to do the majority of the work instead of investing in our surrounding physical and emotional environment to help us heal naturally? NEVER! Even though, we think of disease beginning in the body, disease starts with how our brain responds to what we’ve consumed.

Here, is how it works:

 From the moment, we consume anything our brain sends signals to the body incorporating how we respond to what we’ve consumed

 Disease (i.e. Type II Diabetes) in the body responds to consumption

 Feedback between the brain and body can “toggle” one another, negatively or positively effecting how both work for or against one another

 The cycle of damage and repair continue until our bodies wear out

Choosing a healthier lifestyle will always trump trying to repair what we’re constantly damaging through poor nutritional choices.


Twenty percent of Type II Diabetics experience depression often linked to excess weight gain related to emotional eating. Since glucose is fuel for the brain, imbalances in glucose levels lead to imbalances in the brain. Low blood sugar or sudden drop in glucose can lead to a coma. The long-term effects of poor nutrition cannot be healed by medicine alone. The damage from yo-yo nutritional dieting not only damages your body it prolongs your disease and your emotional health.

Depression can occur when the brain fails to produce a proper balance of healthy hormones, the ones which feed our emotional health (serotonin, estrogen, and testosterone). Nutrition, exercise and sleep all feed/replenish what our body consumes. If we’re constantly feeding our body “junk”, then we’re causing our body to work overtime to repair the damage we’re doing. Eventually, our brain (which is constantly sending out signals throughout our body to restore/repair and replenish our body) can’t keep up with the demand we’re putting it through.

The goal of medicine is to help our bodies help themselves. However, “food and beverage” are both medicine, feeding our brain and in turn feeding our body.

If you’re trying to reverse Type II Diabetes, start with two primary goals:
Increase your daily exercise to 45 minutes and pay attention to everything you put in your mouth, making your primary goal healthy and whole fresh food consumption. Both will “pay it forward” in your wellness, every day.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Before it goes in the mouth, it goes through the mind – think before you consume!

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