Saturday, December 8, 2012

5 tips to avoid "Holiday" weight gain

It is the holiday season, and everyone is eating! This time of year always presents us with a present that keeps on giving: Holiday weight gain. Here are 5 easy tips to help you avoid that "gift"....

*Stay hydrated - If you are craving something salty then you are likely dehydrated. Drink at least 2-3 glasses of water before you go to the party to help avoid consuming too many "salty" calories (i.e. Chips, etc.)

*Eat healthy/whole carbs - Your brain thrives on healthy carbs. Eating empty carbohydrates (i.e. Cookies, sweets) only causes your insulin to rise and fall quickly. Keep your plate filled with fresh fruit and veggies.

*Take a nap - When we're tired, we overeat. Make sure you are well rested before you go.

*Take a seat - If you are constantly standing at the serving area, you will likely overeat. Try sitting down to eat what's on your plate before you refill.

*Avoid "piling" food on your plate - The easiest way to overeat is to pile food on your. If you can't see the bottom of your plate, then you're overeating.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Plan ahead so you won't fall behind. Enjoy!

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