Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Is your favorite "vice" a ticking time bomb?

Some people thrive off drinking soda drinks all day long, claiming they will go crazy without their device. Others swear by their chocolate treats while some must have their bowl of nightly ice cream. For some, the nightly nightcap turns into a habitual habit that becomes increasingly hard to kick. However, what they may not realize is that their favorite “vice” is producing a ticking time bomb inside their body.

The dangerously high sugar content and acidic levels found in many foods and beverages slowly deprive our healthy cells the oxygen they need to survive. Our body eventually pays the price forward through disease and illness; however, this is not new news. As far back to 1931, when the Dr. Otto Warburg received the Pulitzer Prize for discovering the connection between a lack of cellular oxygen and cancer cells, reveal what happens to our bodies when we consume too much acidic laced beverages and food:

“Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+ and OH- ions, if there is an excess of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline.” (Dr. Warburg)

Through Dr. Warburg’s work, he proved some solid conclusions: All forms of cancer can be characterized by two basic conditions: Acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Where you have one, you inevitably have the other.

The more concerning results of his findings were the following:
"All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception." –Dr. Otto Warburg

"Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous." – Dr. Otto Warburg

A recent acquaintance shared with me the story about her husband, who was a Gynecologist, dying from cancer. When his lab work arrived it revealed a decidedly troubling result: His body’s acid levels were sky high. That was the first red flag. As the doctor began researching the cause, he quickly realized his culprit was oddly associated with his soda habit. Here, he was a doctor, well educated and informed, and yet he did not know that his consumption of soda was destroying his health. As much as he tried to reverse the damage through attempting to raise his alkaline levels and reduce his acidic consumption, it was too late.

Many people have advocated for better labeling practices in America, like Michael F. Jacobson who is the Executive Director at the Center for Science in the Public Interest in Washington and an advocate who has urged the FDA to implement the labeling of soda products, revealing their toxic sugar level content.
Read more: http://www.upi.com/Health_News/2013/02/14/FDA-urged-to-set-safe-soda-sugar-level/UPI-54931360821371/#ixzz2LLXvsRUy

"As currently formulated, Coke, Pepsi, and other sugar-based drinks are unsafe for regular human consumption," Jacobson said in a statement. "The FDA should require the beverage industry to re-engineer their sugary products over several years, making them safer for people to consume, and less conducive to disease." (Michael F. Jacobson)

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Health_News/2013/02/14/FDA-urged-to-set-safe-soda-sugar-level/UPI-54931360821371/#ixzz2LLYwd9tt

When the body’s pH balance is too high, the body works overtime to balance the effect, looking for essential minerals from either our nutrition (usually to poor to provide what the body needs) or other organs, bones in our body (heart, lungs, liver, bones/joints/skin, etc). This vicious cycle begins to do much more damage than what we can eventually withstand, leading to a long list of disease/illness that will eventually destroy lives.

This high acidic condition, referred to as “Acidosis, has some basic symptoms:
*Heart pain
*Mood swings (high and lows, depression, fatigue)
*Memory problems

In addition to sodas, the following is a list of contents you need to avoid:
*White sugar
*White flour

Bottom line is this: Healthy nutrition comes from whole, unprocessed food, beverages.

Quick Tips for Wellness: It is almost impossible to un-ring the bell once the damage is done.

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