Every time I visit the doctor for anything that looks slightly ominous, I get the “once over” questionnaire that attempts to eliminate the “C” word from the picture. Fortunately, there is no immediate threat of cancer in my genetic/family makeup – so for the most part, I feel safe. However…..a recent “possible” cancer scare sent me sailing over the moon in search of answers, leaving me dreadfully awake many a night. After picking my mother’s brain to assure there were no known associations lingering in my heritage, I realized that nobody’s safe from the threat of cancer – history or not – in the world we live in, today. While genetic association can increase the likelihood that our body may naturally be more susceptible to certain forms of cancer (i.e. breast cancer, prostate cancer, etc.) EVERY ONE of us is susceptible to forming cancer cells (abnormal cells) inside our body. Those cells become “noticed” once they form together, causing side effects/health problems.
Genetic association only seems to point to the obvious but certainly does not ascertain it. When my “scare” was first revealed to me, I was flabbergasted; hadn’t I been more than cautious when it came to my nutrition and fitness? Wasn’t I doing everything possible to do everything right? What was probably more troubling than anything else to me was how careful I had become not to expose myself to the ills of this world. I wouldn’t describe my cautious nature as being hyper-phobic, but more keenly aware. I had learned to serve myself daily healthy portions of much needed antioxidants through a balanced diet, while routinely practicing physical exercise to boot. For the first time in years I began enjoying the mental, physical and spiritual life I had always wanted, only to seemingly find out all due my diligence seemed for not. Fortunately for me, my very real scare encounter (medically verified) would later be dismissed as less than a 2% chance my ominous cells would become cancerous. For added protection, I practiced what came natural to me; prayer (tons of it), followed by a quick elimination and swift changes to my diet (i.e. all soy based products). My doctor didn’t tell me what to do/not to do nutritionally, but did lead me through a variety of choices procedurally/medically of what was available for my situation. Along with some nutritional/dietary changes, I opted for a less invasive medical procedure. Between my dietary and medical choices, the end result eliminated the threat of these cells. A return visit to the doctor kept me in the clear, as well.
My personal way of processing anything is to take in the facts and explore the possibilities. I never jump only in one direction or to either side of the extreme choices I have before me. As much as possible, I seek the “whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God”. In seeking the truth, this is what I discovered about cancer.
*Who has cancer? Unfortunately, anyone’s body can form cancer cells (abnormal cells). The good news is this: our body can dispose of those cells when we practice healthy/balanced nutrition and ongoing physical activity, which in turn demotes the reproduction of those cells while promoting the growth of healthy cells in our body.
*How does cancer form? The cells in our body follow a normal routine of growth, reproduction and death. Cancer cells are cells which somehow become abnormal failing to die and leave the body as a normal cell would. Because our cells naturally reproduce, cancer cells follow suit, however, they may also split abnormally, reproducing and merging with other cancer cells.
*What are the odds I will ever have cancer in my lifetime? Unfortunately, cancer cells occur 6 to 10 times in a person’s body during their lifetime. However, these cells can be so miniscule and unnoticed that detection of them is seemingly impossible.
*What feeds a cancer cell? Poor nutrition is a cancer cells best friend. An acidic meat based diet presents hormones/antibiotics that only add to the multiplication process of cancer cells. Sugar, excessive caffeine and highly processed foods should equally be avoided, as they only feed cancer cells.
*How does cancer spread throughout our body? Through the blood and lymph system, both of which assist the spread of cancer throughout our body. (See http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/cancerlibrary/what-is-cancer)
*How can I naturally “fight” cancer in my body? The best defense is a healthy immune system balanced with faith and knowledge. All three require discipline and consistency. Whatever you consume is what will consume you, in the end. If you’re feeding your body, mind and spirit “junk”, then you’re leaving yourself defenseless in the end. Nutritional wellbeing is a start (your outward appearance is a reflection of your inner being). Knowledge is the beginning of wisdom and a catalyst for change (it’s hard to ignore what you know). And faith is the key that unlocks your spiritual wellbeing (what do you believe about God and His purpose for your life?). Practicing a “wellness lifestyle” incorporates these three. To learn more, visit http://www.angio.org/understanding/diet.php.
While some of the above may render you feeling either complacent or helpless, it shouldn’t. If I told you that your home had dust, you might think at first “all houses have dust”. True. But let that dust collect over time and you’ll not only “see it” you’ll start to have a physical reaction to it as well. Leave anything unattended for a period of time and it will start to get out of control. The same is true for your complete wellness.
Today’s blog is an introduction to the basics I’ve learned about cancer. Stay tuned to learn more about specific food/beverage interaction and what you can naturally do and avoid to keep your body prepared and equipped for battle.
Quick Tips for Wellness: The best defense against anything starts with knowledge. Learn to think, first.
Quick Tips for Wellness, Copyright © 2011, All Rights Reserved, Pat Ferguson
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