Monday, December 31, 2012

3 proven methods to achieve your New Year’s Resolutions

On the eve of the New Year, most of us are thinking about how quickly time passed and what’s awaits us over the next twelve months. The history of New Year celebrations began with the Babylonians, who originally started the practice in March, later changed by the Romans to January with the same basic premise: To celebrate the old and bring in the new.

January’s name was taken from the two-faced god Janus, who symbolically looks backwards at the old and forward to the new, and who was also known for endings, new beginnings, arches and doorways.

Through time and history, traditions and practices celebrated change and now, New Years can be mostly known for three things most people want to see change in the coming year: Improve their lives, change/form new habits and accomplish goals. The “how” behind those three is usually the mystery most people are not certain they will know how to accomplish on their own.

Instead of focusing on do this and don’t do that, look at whatever you want to accomplish from a different perspective:

*Is it sustainable? If you set a goal that is not sustainable, then you are setting yourself up for disappointment. It would be better establishing goals centered on the changes you can live with every day versus building a mountain you aren’t prepared to climb.

*Is it tangible? Whatever goal you are setting must have something you can see, measure or feel associated with in order to keep you motivated. “Invisible” goals = hard to accomplish.

*Is it of value? What you don’t value you will not appreciate. Whatever goal you set must cost you something (time, resources, effort, etc.) in order for you to be inspired in achieving it.

As a Nutrition Specialist, I work with people who have failed over and over again at reaching their goals to manage their weight. Most of them cringe at the thought of “dieting” (and so do I), and yet every year in January they start down the same beaten, worn out and dead-end path they’ve been down before thinking this time it might just work. Here’s what I tell them: Any word that begins with three letters that spell “DIE” is likely to come true!

Instead of directing them to “DIET”, I direct their path to “LIFE”, teaching them how to create a life plan versus a temporary fix. Once they shift their thinking, they begin to see how easy it is to change their life.

As a new year begins, start with asking your-self the three above questions. If you are a visual person, use visual affirmation to keep you focused. Get a diary, write down your goal(s)one small step at a time, marking them off as they are achieved. Make certain as you progress you can also see how they are benefitting your entire life and those around you. If whatever you are trying to accomplish is centered on yourself, the journey will be short lived.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Change your thinking and you’ll change your life!

Quick Tips for Wellness © Copyright 2012, All Rights Reserved

Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstipw4u

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Congressional Reform Act of 2012: Stop the madnes...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Congressional Reform Act of 2012: Stop the madnes...: The Fiscal Cliff is another word to a bigger problem: Congress isn't doing their job. Period. Most of us feel pretty helpless when it com...

Congressional Reform Act of 2012: Stop the madness and keep Congress accountable

The Fiscal Cliff is another word to a bigger problem: Congress isn't doing their job. Period. Most of us feel pretty helpless when it comes to doing anything about; but in truth, we're not powerless - we're just not organized.

Warren Buffet has a solution to this problem: Hold Congress accountable by eliminating their benefits and limiting their power to enact policy without our approval. If we could only weave through the massive mountain of debt our country has shouldered via Congress approval, we'd be aghast.

According to a recent Gallop poll, Congress has hit an all time low in approval ratings and the American people are ready to stand their ground. If you are like the majority of Americans, you are “sick” and tired of tightening your belt while Congress fails to tighten theirs then you need to sign the Congressional Reform Act of 2012 now! Click on the link and share it with everyone you know (

Demand Congress start doing their job.
The following is the outline of this Act:
Congressional Reform Act of 2012:

1. Term Limits.
12 years only, one of the possible options below:
A. Two Six-year Senate terms
B. Six Two-year House terms
C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms

2. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.

3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people.

4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

8. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective the day this is signed into law.

The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and back to work.

Quick Tips for Wellness: The healthiest thing you can do is protect your future.

Quick Tips for Wellness © Copyright, 2012, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The secret to change; is it all in the mind?

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The secret to change; is it all in the mind?: With the onset of a new year, we’re all wondering what it will take for us to “change” our lives for the better. For many, weight loss ...

The secret to change; is it all in the mind?

With the onset of a new year, we’re all wondering what it will take for us to “change” our lives for the better. For many, weight loss and getting back into shape is our first focus. The weight loss and fitness industries are keenly aware of what we’re already thinking about, and that is why they spend a ton of money (praying we do, too) on the weight loss, diet and nutrition industry, hoping we’ll buy into their brand of thinking. But what if I told you that you would not have to spend a dime on another gimmick and “change” was easier than you realized? What if I told you that all you had to do to change your life was to change the way you feed your brain, would you do it? What if all it required were learning to follow a few simple steps, adapting a few repetitive habits each day, would you do them or would you choose to stay stuck? “It cannot be that simple,” you are thinking, “or everyone would be doing it.” Think again.

Breaking and forming healthy and helpful habits is not found in a pill or a faddish way of thinking. However, it is found inside of your brain just waiting to be released. The neurological process of changing the way we think starts with a few basic steps over (what I believe is an effective amount of time) a period of at least 21 days. These steps include three key processes:


It stands to reason if we repeatedly make consistent decisions and discipline our bodies doing what is in our best interest that change will be the outcome, doesn’t it? But hurdling past our nature is what usually stops our progress. However, just as we would take a prescribed medicine to get better, what if you knew that practicing and forming a new habit was the key to change would you do it? There is a neurological process which occurs in our brain each time we repeatedly do anything for a given, period of time. The key to change is doing something we want to do to change our lives for the better. If we can’t see the “WIFM’s” (what’s in it for me) in what we’re doing the chances are we most likely won’t do it. Neurologically, change occurs naturally in our brain through our neurotransmitters as they create new synapses through the repetition of a task, function or consumption. How this process works, is simple:

1) Neurotransmitters (aka chemical impulses derived from hormones) are a collection of chemicals found in the brain meant to connect neurons together
2) The neurotransmitters make their connection to receptors in our brain through a “synapse” (the space between the neuron and the receptor, likened to a lock and key effect)
3) There are a wide variety (40+ other chemicals inside our brain) of neurotransmitter systems found in the brain (i.e. Serotonin, Dopamine and Norepinephrine systems)

Abusive cycle
Once this life cycle begins, we start experiencing the results of what we’ve consumed through what our body produces inside of us. Living a balanced life connects our body/brain to our overall wellness (God has made the body able to heal itself….remember that!). When we subject our body to unhealthy choices (emotionally, physically, nutritionally), we continue to starve our neurons of the healthy chemicals they need. If we are abusing food, drugs, and alcohol then we will be feeding destructive chemicals to our brain, slowly declining the body’s ability to construct/feed healthy neurons to our brain. If this behavior continues over time, it is very likely that our brain may stop producing the amount of healthy neurons it needs to live a balanced life, therefore requiring medical intervention. However, natural medicine found through nutrition should never be ignored or put to the side. Even if, someone is taking medication, to help their emotional and mental wellbeing nutrition and discipline is still the key that unlocks the door to change.

Abusing anything (i.e. food, alcohol) and using it as a “drug”, results in suffering the consequences of how it affects thinking, performance and behavior. From our sleep cycle being disrupted, to our emotional balance following suit, we will respond to what our body does with what we feed it as it naturally reproduces its effect inside our brain. Once we “release” or “starve” our brain of these chemically charged neurons, we begin experiencing the outcome through our emotional responses creating impulses (such as food/drug/alcohol cravings) to fill our need. Thus, enters in addiction; when we create a need through abuse we continually have to do one of two things – feed it or starve it. The latter of the two is always more difficult one to overcome.

Nutritional effects
Food contains chemicals that release the neurological process inside our brain, producing neurons that connect with like neurons inside our brain. When you think about it, the more I feed my brain nutritional choices the more I resupply my brain with the ability to build those healthy neurons. This is the reason why you simply cannot consume poor choices through food, drugs, and alcohol or continue negative behavior (violence, self-destruction, etc.), then expect the brain to perform for your overall wellbeing. The more you do anything (good or bad) to your body the more you do to your brain. Every time you put anything into your mouth, you put it into your brain. Each time you think a thought, respond to a craving, indulge in poor choices, you invest that decision back into your brain. Putting it “in” is easy; taking it “out” is the challenge. Why? Through repetition, we’ve built a neurological system of responses waiting to be used inside our brain. If that “response” isn’t fed, then we crave it wanting to feed it. So here’s the good news: You can train your brain to crave nutrition just as much as you can train your brain to crave poor choices.

Stay tuned to my next blog on how this process will work through some simple steps you can follow on a daily basis. But for now, take in what you’ve learned.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Change occurs in the brain first. Change your brain = change in your life.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Healthcare crisis: Mental illness is at the root ...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Healthcare crisis: Mental illness is at the root ...: The hell that many parents, families and loved ones live with everyday is often anchored to the unspoken disease that hides behind tears,...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Healthcare crisis: Mental illness is at the root ...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Healthcare crisis: Mental illness is at the root ...: The hell that many parents, families and loved ones live with everyday is often anchored to the unspoken disease that hides behind tears,...

Healthcare crisis: Mental illness is at the root of all violence

The hell that many parents, families and loved ones live with everyday is often anchored to the unspoken disease that hides behind tears, severe mood changes and violent outbursts: Mental illness. Often, their first victims cry out for help, wrenching their hands in despair as they helplessly watch their world fall apart, one terroristic moment at a time. When they turn to find help, the hands of those who try to render it are often tied in red-tape through a system that throws the problem back into the unskilled lap of those who have no clue what to do and others who have no resources available to pay the steep cost of mental illness.

Without knowing the full story behind the murderous acts of Adam Lanza, what we do know is this: He was mentally ill and he had access to guns. You might as well thrown gasoline on an open flame when mixing these two together. Should the Lanza household possessed any type of weapons in their midst? Absolutely not! However, access to weapons including guns, by mentally unstable and afflicted individuals is too easily gained through our current system.

In the case of Adam, it appears it was his mother who put the key in his hand, opening the door that should have been bolted shut. While we don’t know every detail (and probably never will) what we do know is she owned guns, they were kept in her home and Adam obviously had access to them.

What is more troubling is Adam’s mother, Nancy Lanza, was a healthcare professional, with financial access to support at her fingertips, and yet this tragic event still happened. If current accounts are accurate, mom took son to a shooting range shortly before his rampage. Certainly Nancy never could imagine what she was exposing her to son when she made this tragic decision. But what she probably did know and what is not too uncommon is the attitude of loved ones who deal with mental health problem behind doors; breaking down and giving in to the overwhelming effects of the disease.

Often, they are so desperate for answers that they simply throw their hands in the air and look the other way. Exhausted and ill-equipped, families are left managing what takes a doctorate degree to comprehend, much less treat.

Better gun control is absolutely at the top of the list, but right above it is repairing the mental health care system. When we place freedom above illness we get a disease that spreads to kill.

A great article on the subject can be found at the following link (

Quick Tips for Wellness: Contact your congressman, legislature and President, letting them know how you feel about making changes to guns laws including mental health background checks.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: 5 tips to avoid "Holiday" weight gain

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: 5 tips to avoid "Holiday" weight gain: It is the holiday season, and everyone is eating! This time of year always presents us with a present that keeps on giving: Holiday weig...

5 tips to avoid "Holiday" weight gain

It is the holiday season, and everyone is eating! This time of year always presents us with a present that keeps on giving: Holiday weight gain. Here are 5 easy tips to help you avoid that "gift"....

*Stay hydrated - If you are craving something salty then you are likely dehydrated. Drink at least 2-3 glasses of water before you go to the party to help avoid consuming too many "salty" calories (i.e. Chips, etc.)

*Eat healthy/whole carbs - Your brain thrives on healthy carbs. Eating empty carbohydrates (i.e. Cookies, sweets) only causes your insulin to rise and fall quickly. Keep your plate filled with fresh fruit and veggies.

*Take a nap - When we're tired, we overeat. Make sure you are well rested before you go.

*Take a seat - If you are constantly standing at the serving area, you will likely overeat. Try sitting down to eat what's on your plate before you refill.

*Avoid "piling" food on your plate - The easiest way to overeat is to pile food on your. If you can't see the bottom of your plate, then you're overeating.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Plan ahead so you won't fall behind. Enjoy!

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Friday, December 7, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Post "Black Friday" Blues: Is “Holiday depression...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Post "Black Friday" Blues: Is “Holiday depression...: The Christmas holiday season is upon us and so is the stress of emotionally performing, often bringing on depression. The season of socia...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Post "Black Friday" Blues: Is “Holiday depression...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Post "Black Friday" Blues: Is “Holiday depression...: The Christmas holiday season is upon us and so is the stress of emotionally performing, often bringing on depression. The season of socia...

Post "Black Friday" Blues: Is “Holiday depression” a myth or a reality?

The Christmas holiday season is upon us and so is the stress of emotionally performing, often bringing on depression. The season of socializing, spending and receiving can become a bit too much for most people. For some, the holiday’s stir memories of the past they wish they had forgotten or demands of the present they feel they cannot fulfill. What is often overlooked, at this time of the year is something we all (to some degree) experience and respond to: The physical change in seasons. There seems to be more of a consensus nationally that the percentage of depression cases reported this time of year does not necessarily increase/decrease statistically. However, I would argue that physical/natural manifestations play a larger role in how our bodies respond emotionally.

Change in seasons
Longer nights and shorter days play a significant part in how depression manifests physically/emotionally inside our bodies. Less exposure to sunlight and, for some, colder cooler weather can bring on physical responses that intensify as the seasons naturally change. The more we’re indoors the less our bodies are able to produce naturally vitamin D through exposure to sunlight. Endorphins, naturally produced through physical activity, add to our “feel good” hormone bank account. Once that bank account becomes depleted we physically feel depressed. Physical depression can also lead to overeating, abusing drugs and alcohol, as well as insomnia.

Emotional stirring
On top of all the physical/emotional responses come the anticipated expectations of the holidays as they begin to set in, recalling and stirring up our past experiences/memories. It is the “stirring” up that usually creates the heightened awareness of what we emotionally encounter, adding to our state of mind. The added pressure to perform financially, emotionally and socially can also cause our mental health to go on overload. We can add a mountain of expectations onto our plate that soon becomes overwhelming, to say the least. Our emotions can seem to run higher than what we’d like to think about, especially when we’re spending money we do not have or socializing with people we normally do not encounter on a regular basis, like relatives and social acquaintances we see only once a year.

So how do you avoid the “stirring-up” and, what do you do if you begin to experience the onset of depression overwhelming you? First, do not ignore it. Depression is a physical manifestation that you do not just “snap out” of or get over, quickly. Learn to recognize it as a physical condition just as you would treat a cold, flu or virus, and look for ways you can naturally treat it through balancing your life.

Simple changes = Big results
Physical exercise: Set at least 15 minutes aside a day (preferably 30) to exercise. Even if you simply walk or run in place, lift some hand held weights or practice stretch exercises, doing something that stimulates your endorphins will make a tremendous difference over time.

Nutrition: Fast food, junk food, and preservatives deplete you emotionally. The rise and fall of blood sugar, as well as the guilt from over eating, will send you emotionally on a roller coaster ride. Take time to eat healthier choices especially during the holidays.

Drugs and alcohol: Avoid them altogether. Remember this: Food is a drug; either a good drug or a bad drug. Alcohol has no nutritional value (don’t believe the myths about wine) and consuming it only heightens depression.

Finances: Too often, especially as parents, we feel the burden of financially performing for our loved ones. Instead of spending money (you might not have), why not donate your time to someone in need as your gift to someone you love? Teach your kids to focus on “giving” something of themselves versus “receiving” something from everyone else. Why not bake some home made bread for a person who has no family or is alone this Christmas season and personally deliver them along with a note of encouragement? “Spend” time with someone who is alone, hurting or without a family. Give the gift of time this Christmas season to those in your world and you will be amazed at how priceless your gift is to them.

Resources: If you or a person you know is suffering from depression seek help. There are many forms of medication that can relieve some of the onset of symptoms along with therapy. Take the first step to get the help you need. Check with your local faith community, ask a close friend or relative for help, or search for resources on the Internet. Sometimes, doing something as simple as volunteering to help others in need takes your mind off your own problems and brings greater insight to the world around you, helping you to feel better just by doing something positive.

Past statistics show that almost 10% of the items purchased during the “black Friday” rush get returned to the store before they are gifted, largely due to impulse buying and buyer’s remorse. What was astounding to me was this: The gifts had not even been exchanged, but returned before they were given. That is a particularly telling statistic, isn’t it? We’re spending what we do not have as we attempt filling something emotionally we cannot fill. When we put too much pressure on ourselves, we suffer the consequences emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Holiday depression does not have to control your life. Take a step of faith today and find the answer to help relieve your depression, now. It could be the best gift you give yourself this Christmas season.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The ABC’s of the...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The ABC’s of the...: Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The ABC’s of the Lymphatic system; understanding t... : Most neighborhoods have curbs and gutters, allowin...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: DNA salmon: Perfect fish or chemically toxic food...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: DNA salmon: Perfect fish or chemically toxic food...: Can a scientifically genetically DNA induced fish that matures twice as fast as a natural fish be a healthier choice for you? The founder...

DNA salmon: Perfect fish or chemically toxic food?

Can a scientifically genetically DNA induced fish that matures twice as fast as a natural fish be a healthier choice for you? The founder of the Aquabounty would want you to believe DNA duped fish are superior to wild catch ocean salmon; however, that has yet to be proven and approved by the FDA.

GMO Food in America
Genetically modified food affects over 90% of the food produced in America. Farm raised seafood is no stranger to the process as it has been receiving GMO by-products in the food it is fed. However, creating the “perfect” salmon through DNA modification seems to be taking the GMO concept to an all new level. In 2010, the FDA determined that the Aquabounty salmon was as safe to eat as traditional fish, yet they haven’t given the full go ahead for the company to produce the fish. Without the FDA approval, Aquabounty will soon run out of resources and may have to put their “super fish” idea on hold.

Aquabounty claims that a larger sized fish is just one of the benefits in their DNA salmon. “Animal biotechnology” is a scientific way of building a better fish through manipulating the DNA, producing the most desirable attributes to design the outcome wanted. The lag in the process is clearly with the FDA, which may become a deterrent to future manufacturers of genetically modified seafood in the future.

The claim that GMO food has no connection to any illness or disease is simply not true. The perfecting of fish may seem like a good alternative between consuming fish whom have ingested contaminates in the ocean as opposed to those who have been raised in a contaminate free environment, producing a supposedly healthier fish. But the problem with GMO food products and their safety to the public has been under scrutiny for many, many years. European countries have mostly banned GMO’s, along with countries like Japan. In those countries, diseases like cancer are greatly lower than they are in the United States.

DNA Super or toxic fish?
The purpose behind the DNA “super fish” is to give you more fish for your dollar. The DNA injected into the salmon produces a larger fish by scale to the wild caught salmon. The debate is that there are just as many concerns with wild caught fish that are exposed to toxic pollution in the oceans as there are to GMO or DNA produced fish; however, GMO food products have not proven to lower health risks when it comes to health concerns.

Where the fish is caught and under which conditions it is caught is just as important as to whether it’s fresh or wild caught. Even “farm raised fish” are often considered “wild caught” under certain conditions.

The best policy would be for the FDA to demand that all GMO food products are labeled. Consumers should be able to make an informed decision about their food and the FDA should enforce that policy.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Follow this link to find GMO free and organic choices for seafood (

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The possible side effects of vitamin “D” injection...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The possible side effects of vitamin “D” injection...: So you’ve been told your “D” is too low and a shot will help you elevate/replenish/supplement your level of D. Guess what? That isn’t ex...

The possible side effects of vitamin “D” injections

So you’ve been told your “D” is too low and a shot will help you elevate/replenish/supplement your level of D. Guess what? That isn’t exactly true. Here, is why:

Vitamin D is……

*Collected through the skin’s exposure to sunlight

*Consumed through eating animal products

*Stimulated by exposure to sunlight

However, too much Vitamin D can cause other problems like kidney stones, rendering more undesirable side effects than not having enough. Since the body uses D to assist calcium, too much can lead to the following side effects:

*Excessive calcium deposits in your blood vessels which can eventually lead to narrowing the flow of blood to vital organs such as your heart

*Dizziness, nausea, weight loss

*Kidney stones, forming from excessive calcium

*Bone loss, the result of excessive calcium leaching from your bones into your blood

Most of us wouldn’t know any better if we were told our “D” was low and would automatically look for the easiest way in replenishing our “D” levels. However, before jumping to that conclusion, why not seek the advice of a nutritionist or dietician for a full evaluation. You may find out that there is more going on than just low levels of “D” and you will be seeking the advice of a medical professional in this area of expertise.

If I had a heart problem I’d see a cardiologist, right? If I suffered from allergies I’d consult with an allergist, right? So why not seek the advice of someone who specializes in all matters related to diet and nutrition. Even your primary care physician would suggest you to do so. There are no quick fixes, but, there are answers. Find the solution that not only helps you feel better now but also in the future.

Quick tip for wellness: When it comes to nutrition, seek wise counsel from a nutritionist or dietician to receive sound advice.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: A "thankful heart" does the body good!

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: A "thankful heart" does the body good!: Thanksgiving is the one day on the calendar that everyone in the world can celebrate, regardless of your faith, your political views and y...

A "thankful heart" does the body good!

Thanksgiving is the one day on the calendar that everyone in the world can celebrate, regardless of your faith, your political views and your financial status. This one day is more than the food we eat, the fellowship we share and the memories we might capture. This is a day in which we can simply reflect upon the positive things in our lives if we choose to do so.

Even when our lives are out of control and our world attempts to wreak havoc upon us, how we respond is the only thing that remains within our control. Being “thankful” is always our choice. When you look at the bigger picture around you, what do you see? Problems or potential? Desperation or inspiration? Dead ends or new beginnings? Both are there, but the one you choose to "see" makes all the difference in the world. Thankfulness is a choice, just as doubt, fear and negativity are choices, too. Even when we've been stripped of everything in our life, only "we" hold the key that unlocks the door to empowering our ability to move forward when we "choose" to be thankful.

Today, I will choose to be thankful – even when everything in my world may not be as I wish or want.

Today, I will see the world around me from a different perspective - from the eyes of other people who may see the world very differently than I do.

Today, I will intentionally be more compassionate, forgiving and understanding.

Today, I will humble myself and thank God for a glass that is not dry and for the potential that remains inside of it.

Today, I will choose to be thankful!

Quick Tips for Wellness: Thankfulness is a choice. Choose to be thankful and you just might be surprised how quickly the world around you changes.

Happy Thanksgiving and I pray God’s richest blessings upon your life, today!

Pat Ferguson

Monday, November 19, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The fight against prescription drug abuse through ...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The fight against prescription drug abuse through ...: If you have ever been in pain, then you know the benefits of taking something to help ease your discomfort. Most patients receiving pain ...

The fight against prescription drug abuse through Prescription Monitoring Programs

If you have ever been in pain, then you know the benefits of taking something to help ease your discomfort. Most patients receiving pain medication prefer to be rid of the pain more than they desire to continue taking the drug. However, most will also tell you that breaking free from needing the drug to alter the pain is a difficult process, especially once relief’s received.

The balance between “managing” pain and over medicating pain is delicate, to say the least. For that reason a growing alliance of states are joining hands to help reduce the opportunities of prescribed medications from becoming a drug abuse problem. But for some, the idea of limiting access to pain medication may seem more like a "hinderance" than a help. The concept behind this design isn't to stop access but to monitor abuse.

The Alliance of States with Prescription Monitoring Programs
( is an organization concerned with reducing opportunities of prescription drug abuse. Through their drug monitoring initiations, the organization has been able to unite, share and offer insight to states who join their organization within the U.S.

Their mission statement is pretty straight forward:

“The Alliance of States with Prescription Monitoring Programs provides a forum for information sharing on prescription monitoring programs (PMPs) among state and federal agencies seeking to curtail drug diversion and abuse while ensuring patient care.”

The real root of the prescription pain medication concern is the over medicating or loop holes within the system. Just recently, Tennessee adopted a PMP program to curtail the overprescribing of pain medication problem they were facing. The number of pain medication prescriptions issued were so outrageously high that something had to be done. Through 37,266 prescriptions, over 5 million doses prescribed to only 3,611 patients. The prescribed medications street value was over $55+/- million based on the assumed average of the street value provided by the Tennessee Drug Diversion Task Force.
The following information is provided on the Alliance website (

• Prescription opioid overdose is now the second leading cause of accidental death in the United States, killing more people than heroin and cocaine combined.
• In 2009, Tennessee ranked second in the nation, with 17.3 retail prescriptions written per capita, compared with a national average of 12.
• Nationwide, prescription drugs account for the second most commonly abused category of drugs, second only to marijuana.
• 7 million Americans report current nonmedical use of prescription drugs, more than the number using cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens and inhalants combined.
• 1,059 Tennesseans died from drug overdoses in 2010, more than doubling over a decade.
• The top prescriber in Tennessee wrote prescriptions for more than 5 million doses of painkillers in 2011.

(Sources: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tennessee Department of Health, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy)

Many of these drugs, when mixed with a minimal amount of alcohol, can stop the patient from breathing, linking directly to death. The urgency to stop overprescription of pain medication while eliminating the accessibility to these types of drugs has proven to be a double edged sword. There is often a distinct line between those who desperately need them versus those who are abusing them or using them with other drugs like alcohol.

PMP monitoring is for the benefit of the patient and a deterrent for those abusing the system (both medical professionals and patients). The problem does not just lie with the patients; many doctors overprescribe and undereducate/monitor their patients when issuing pain medication for long term use. Not all patients respond the same to pain medication. From hallucinations to respiratory complications, pain medications can lead to severe side effects that are not consistent in every patient.

Before agreeing to take any pain medication, consider asking your physician the following questions:
*What should/shouldn’t be taken with the medication (i.e. Food, beverage, other medications, supplements, etc)?
*How long and how often (is there a limit to the number of doses per 24 hours and when will you stop taking the medication)?
*What is the history of drug’s effect on your kidneys, heart, liver, etc?
*Has your physician performed a drug interaction check BEFORE issuing the drug?
*Does your current overall health condition make you a good candidate for the medication (i.e. Do you have any known heart disease or other health condition that may interfere with taking the drug)?
*Have you been totally honest with your doctor about your alcohol and/or other drug consumption? If the answer is NO, then stop and consider the deadly side effects from mixing the two.
*Who will monitor your progress on the pain medication? Will the doctor’s office check in with you within the first 24 – 48 hours from when you consumed the pain medication to verify your side effects/response?

Pain medications can be lethal and have long term side effects while also inducing addictive qualities in some patients. Before agreeing to take a pain medication prescription, consider the alternatives and review the drug thoroughly.

Unfortunately, doctors are not expressly trained to know the entirety of drugs they prescribe and rely heavily upon the pharmaceutical companies to research and provide accurate information to them.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Before agreeing to consume pain medication, know everything (possible) about it! Not everyone responds the same.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Follow me on Facebook (Quick Tips for Wellness) and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cell phone exposure during pregnancy related to fetal brain development problems in babies

Yale School of Medicine study reveals impact of fetal brain development in babies from expectant moms using cell phones. According to a recent study, cell phone radiation may lead to brain development problems including hyperactivity in children amongst other things.

“This is the first experimental evidence that fetal exposure to radiofrequency radiation from cellular telephones does in fact affect adult behavior,” said senior author Dr. Hugh S. Taylor, professor and chief of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences.

A control group case study using pregnant mice exposed to an active but muted and silenced cell phone revealed more “hyperactive and had reduced memory capacity” in their offspring. The study measured brain electrical activity in adult mice exposed to the radiation as fetuses against those not exposed. Dr. Taylor’s study reveals that the development of neurons in the fetus prefrontal cortex region is adversely effected, when exposed to cell phone use during pregnancy.

The dangers behind cell phone use are nothing new. Exposure to “radio frequency” (RF) has been a concern for almost 20 years. More concerning is the possible exposure to RF near the fetus. The results of the control study group revealed that even using an active phone around a fetus can be dangerous to the unborn child.

Arguments can be made that the subjects used (mice) against the bombardment of frequency’s received (cell phones) was not in proportion, but the concern still exists. If a muted, silenced cell phone can actively emit RF’s then it can still expose a fetus to the dangers caused through contact.

The concern over whether or not this frequency can cause irreversible brain damage should be enough to eliminate the use of or exposure to cell phones during pregnancy.

Quick Tips for Wellness: The safest way to protect your unborn child is to avoid cell phone exposure during pregnancy.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All rights reserved

Follow me on Twitter @wellnesstips4u and Facebook at Quick Tips for Wellness


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The Shopping Gui...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The Shopping Gui...: Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The Shopping Guide to finding hidden GMO’s in your... : Do you know which foods in your grocery story cont...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Take 5! A huge tip to help curb your appetite and...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Take 5! A huge tip to help curb your appetite and...: Most of us will not eat something that does not entice the senses first. However, at what point does the smell of your food stop enticing...

Take 5! A huge tip to help curb your appetite and reduce your waist line

Most of us will not eat something that does not entice the senses first. However, at what point does the smell of your food stop enticing your desire to eat? Can we possibly stop overeating by practicing one small tip each time we eat? Scientists are now saying it is possible to control your overeating and satisfy your satiety by doing one easy thing: Smell your food for five minutes before eating.

According to a recent study the above answer seems quite logical.

*The initial odor of food increases the desire to consume it

*The desire to consume the food decreases throughout the meal as the pallet becomes satisfied

*Taking just say five minutes to smell your food before eating it helps to satisfy your satiety, which in turn helps to lower the over consumption of food

Most of us can push ourselves away from the table once we’re full or satisfied. The results of the study provided one significant outcome: Overeating is reduced the longer food aroma is consumed. A 1984 study revealed what is still true today: Satiety occurs more quickly with foods we’re familiar with and have consumed before. Just taking the time to “smell” the food before consuming it triggers your satiety senses and can reduce over eating. However, other things like food variety throughout the meal have an impact on our overall satiety:

“Satiety level can be specific to a food which has been eaten before. This is shown by a decrease in the pleasantness of foods eaten relative to foods which have not been eaten. The aim of the present experiment was to determine whether this specificity still remained after a meal with a very different food in each of four courses. Forty-eight human subjects were given a four-course lunch with either a different food in each course (varied meal), or the same food in each course (plain meal). Energy intake was elevated by 60% in the varied meal primarily because of the increase food consumption in the third and fourth courses. The pleasantness of the taste of foods eaten decreased rapidly, whereas the pleasantness of foods which had not been eaten remained relatively unchanged. The change in pleasantness of a food correlated well with the subsequent intake of that food. Therefore, sensory-specific satiety is still found after eating four different courses in a meal and general satiety does not result. Some selective interactions between different foods were also found. For example, when a savory food was eaten, the pleasantness of (uneaten) savory foods decreased more than that of (uneaten) sweet foods. The converse was found when sweet foods were eaten. It is concluded that sensory-specific satiety and the effect of variety in enhancing food intake can operate throughout a meal with four very different foods, and that there are interactions between foods similar in savoriness or sweetness.”(

A more recent case study provided support for this theory, as well. The experiment used the same flavor on food served at the beginning (main course) and end (dessert) of the meal and found “that aroma pleasantness, but not intensity of familiarity, significantly decreased in the test groups vs. the control groups.” Intensity and familiarity had the lesser impact on how much food was consumed. What (supposedly) did make a difference in consumption was how long the food smell was present prior to consumption( End result = the longer the smell the less consumed.

The take away from this study can be two things: Take your time to enjoy the entire experience of your food consumption. Eat slowly and pace yourself throughout the meal. Small portions, healthier choices and slower eating throughout the meal is extremely important when trying to avoid overeating.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Try taking the time to smell your food before consumption. The results may help control your weight while satisfying your hunger.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The Shopping Guide to finding hidden GMO’s in your...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The Shopping Guide to finding hidden GMO’s in your...: Do you know which foods in your grocery story contain GMO’s? If you are like most of us, the answer is likely “no”. Unless the FDA mand...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The Shopping Guide to finding hidden GMO’s in your...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: The Shopping Guide to finding hidden GMO’s in your...: Do you know which foods in your grocery story contain GMO’s? If you are like most of us, the answer is likely “no”. Unless the FDA mand...

The Shopping Guide to finding hidden GMO’s in your food

Do you know which foods in your grocery story contain GMO’s? If you are like most of us, the answer is likely “no”. Unless the FDA mandates that all “Genetically Modified Organism” food be labeled, consumers will not likely have a clue to what is in their food. The good news is there’s a “phone app” for that and a downloadable shopping list to help you guard against these products.

The downloadable Non-GMO Shopping Guide, ( specifically details the currently known food products containing GMO’s. If you are unaware of which foods contain these detrimental GMO’s, then use the downloadble app or the list provided at this site to help make it easier for you to avoid them.

Consumers are becoming more aware of the damaging effects, linked to food treated with “Genetically Modified Organism’s” (GMO) and their potential negative effect on your health for years to come. Chemicals (aka pesticides) injected into plants and animal (from cultivation to production), used as a method of preserving and producing food, have become very common in America. The side effects from GMO’s had been widely controversial and mostly hidden from the public’s view. In recent years, illness and disease have been directly link to these products.

The following top 10 most highly consumed foods containing “GMO’s” as listed below:

*Corn (many food products contain high fructose corn syrup, etc.)

*Soy (including Tofu)

*Aspartame (sweetener)

*Sugar (sugar beets)

*Cotton (cotton oil)

*Papayas (mostly grown in Hawaii and banned in other countries)

*Dairy (20% of dairy cows in America receive growth hormones, while 27 other countries ban them)

*Canola oil (obtained from rapeseed)

*Zucchini and Yellow squash (the Bt toxin used in corn has recently been detected in both of these)

Before your make another trip to the grocery story, write a shopping list with the healthier GMO-free choices and discipline yourself to read the labels. Once you form this new “habit” your health will greatly thank you for it in the end!

Quick Tips for Wellness: Organic is the only alternative to GMO food. Knowledge is power. Both are for your wellness.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Senior “in-home” care: Navigating through the PAC...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Senior “in-home” care: Navigating through the PAC...: Provisions in Medicare now allow aging seniors to “age-in” at home, unless their health condition dictates otherwise. There are two progr...

Senior “in-home” care: Navigating through the PACE process

Provisions in Medicare now allow aging seniors to “age-in” at home, unless their health condition dictates otherwise. There are two programs designed to help seniors make the choice that is best for them: PACE (Program for all inclusive care for the elderly) and Social Managed care plan. For seniors wanting and able to stay in their homes, PACE is the program worth considering.

PACE is designed to help seniors meet their health needs in their community instead of going into a nursing home or other care facility. Most seniors like the idea of “PACE” but not all are able to receive the care they need through it. The program works to build a team of PACE-preferred doctors along with a team of health care professionals who work with the senior and their family/community to coordinate the care needed.

The following link is the website for PACE ( The site allows you to find the local PACE provider in your area where you can inquire about the program and eligibility requirements (

To qualify, you must be:
*55 years or older
*Live in the service area of a PACE organization
*Need a nursing home-level of care (as certified by your state)
*Be able to live safely in the community with help from PACE

Participants are able to leave the PACE program at any time. All of the typical care and services provided by Medicare and Medicaid are recognized through the PACE program, with the possibility some “uncovered” services may be covered with PACE.

Typical coverage includes:
*Adult day primary care (doctor/recreational/therapy nursing services)
*Emergency services
*Home care services
*Hospital care
*Laboratory/x-ray services
*Medical specialty services
*Nursing home
*Nutritional counseling
*Occupational therapy
*Physical therapy
*Prescription drugs

According to the program: “If you join a PACE program, you’ll get your Part D-covered drugs and all other necessary medication from the PACE program. You don’t need to join a separate Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. If you do, you’ll be dis-enrolled from your PACE health and prescription drug benefits.”

Other plan benefits include:
*Preventive care
*Social services, including caregiver training, support groups and respite care
*Social work counseling
*Transportation to PACE center for activities or medical appointments, if medically necessary, including possible transportation to some medical appointments in your community.

To apply, contact your state’s Medical Assistance (Medicaid) program. What you “pay” for PACE is based upon your eligibility. According to the program, “If you have Medicaid, you won’t pay a monthly premium for the long-term care portion of the PACE benefit.” Otherwise, you would be charged a monthly premium to cover the long-term care portion of the PACE benefit and a premium for Medicare Part D drugs. If you fall into the category of not having Medicare or Medicaid, then you would pay for PACE privately.

Quick Tips for Wellness: With so many seniors wanting to age gracefully at home, PACE may be a very welcome alternative to other options. Check with your local PACE representative to learn more about this program.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved
Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Emergency Responders come to the aid of Hurricane ...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Emergency Responders come to the aid of Hurricane ...: Today, I will dedicate this blog to doing one thing: A call to action and prayer for those devastated by the hurricane. If you would li...

Emergency Responders come to the aid of Hurricane Sandy victims

Today, I will dedicate this blog to doing one thing: A call to action and prayer for those devastated by the hurricane. If you would like to volunteer your time or resources, below are some organizations whom have rolled up their sleeves and would welcome you with open arms:

Red Cross: (

Rapid Response Team (Billy Graham organization): (

Jewish Federation: (

Catholic Charities: (

Islamic Relief Organization: (

Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints: (

The Huffington Post provided some great resources for several of the emergency responders (see link

If you have the time and resources, help wherever needed. This storm is far from being over. The destruction to lives and property loss from this storm will take months and years to restore back to any semblance of normalcy. Anything you can do to help will not be too small or insignificant. Most of all, remember to pray.

Please provide any additional outreach/emergency response information in the comments section of this blog.

Thank you and God bless!

Pat Ferguson

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Safety Alert: Monster Energy Drink leads to teen’...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Safety Alert: Monster Energy Drink leads to teen’...: How much caffeine is too much caffeine? Depends upon who you are and what your body can handle. But to put that into perspective, think ...

Safety Alert: Monster Energy Drink leads to teen’s death

How much caffeine is too much caffeine? Depends upon who you are and what your body can handle. But to put that into perspective, think about trying to drink 7 caffeine loaded drinks all at once. The jolt alone might at the very least cause you to become nauseated and may cause death. In the case of one teen, the “jolt” made an already known heart condition become her final straw after taking her young life following two days of consuming 48 ounces of the Monster Energy drink.

“Parents of 14-year-old Anais Fournier filed a lawsuit against Monster Energy claiming the caffeine in the company’s drinks killed their daughter. Fournier reportedly consumed two 24-oz. Monster Energy drinks in 24 hours and her autopsy attributed her death to “cardiac arrhythmia due to caffeine toxicity.”

Read more:

Energy drinks are not regulated by the FDA because they are considered "dietary supplements" and do not fall under the FDA's authority to regulate. Since 2004, five deaths have been reported as related to the Monster Energy drinks under the Red Bull and Rockstar labels. Emergency room reports from 2005 to 2009 increased “tenfold”. Underlying health problems are often associated with the symptoms and complications from consuming these beverages. Fournier was diagnosed prior to consuming the Monster Energy drink. However, her doctor did not recommend limiting her caffeine consumption or (apparently) restrict her diet otherwise.

So who’s to blame? Is it the consumer’s responsibility to be responsible in consuming such highly caffeine induced beverages? Is it the FDA’s responsibility to regulate, investigate and remove anything from the market once a problem is known? Is it the doctor’s responsibility to tell anyone diagnosed with a “cardiac arrhythmia” what they cannot consume (i.e. Caffeine)? Yes, yes and yes.

To make matters worse, alcohol mixed with energy drinks has become the latest “high” amongst drinkers. Anyone, with common sense, should know that the two simply don’t mix.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Healthy “energy” doesn’t come in a can or a bottle.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Follow me on Facebook at Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Friday, October 26, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Is the “ship” sinking? The great debate over heal...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Is the “ship” sinking? The great debate over heal...: Unless you’re a magician, trying to balance the Medicare budget would be impossible. With more being spent than what is being set aside, ...

Is the “ship” sinking? The great debate over health care trust funds

Unless you’re a magician, trying to balance the Medicare budget would be impossible. With more being spent than what is being set aside, the “well” is bound to dry-up in the very near future.

Medicare is at the top of the “must fix it now” list that our current and/or future administration must find a solution. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Instead of trying to, I’ll redirect you to a brilliantly written article on the current condition of Medicare. (

The opening statement in the article just about say’s it all:

“Machiavelli famously advised princes to use deception to win power and to get things done. Five centuries later, a deception used by our leaders to win power is making it harder for them to fix the biggest issue facing our nation.
If we do not reduce the growth rate of healthcare costs, they will consume the federal budget. We risk a debt crisis rivaling the 2008-09 crash. Changes that other countries have made soberly, achieving lower costs and better health outcomes, will be imposed on us by our creditors. Their goal will be the return of their money, not the quality of Americans’ health care.”

Basically, the problem with Medicare is very straightforward:

*$549 billion spent versus $325 billion in assets under the existing Medicare program

*Only 38% of Medicare is covered with payroll taxes versus 62% in 1990

*Beneficiary current premiums cover only 13% of Medicare costs

*The Federal government will need to deposit $27 Trillion into Medicare, and $11 Trillion into Social security to cover retiring babyboomers

*Life expectancy in America is now over 80+ years of age for both male and female

*Women are outliving men by 5+ years

*The current economic crisis has depleted most retiree’s income from their investments, lowering their financial resources while increasing their need for government assistance

*Effective October 1, 2012 “The Affordable Care Act” (aka Obama-care) began penalizing hospitals for too many re-entering of Medicare patients

*The National Debt has increase four fold in four years

In 2000, the National Debt hovered slightly above 5.4 Trillion. Since 2008, it grew from 10.6 to $16 Trillion, and it’s still growing. Under the current administration, the answer is to keep doing more of the same. There hasn’t been a balanced budget in four years, and there isn’t an answer currently in sight under the Obama administration. All of this will mean one thing: Medicare will run out unless we have a solid answer to fix the current debt crisis.

Starting January 1, 2013, the Affordable Health Care Act will begin penalizing anyone without health care insurance by way of a “tax penalty”. Currently, health insurance premiums are not regulated, leaving the door wide open for American’s to be at the mercy of whatever insurance companies wish to charge for coverage. Doing something as simple as regulating insurance companies and what they can charge for health insurance coverage would make a lot more sense.

Unemployment remains at a staggering 7.8%. Less tax dollars are going towards future needs. We’ve simply spent more than we have saved, and it is now coming back to haunt our retirees.

The debate over taxing the rich doesn’t work. The current federal tax rate on the mere 1% would have to jump from 24% to 80%, and we all know that isn’t likely to happen. Once you start making the “rich” poorer, you start making the “poorer poorer”. See Thomas Peterfly’s commercial (

I’ve taken a humble stab at a particularly large problem we all will face one day. If anyone has an answer, I’d be delighted to hear back from you. Enjoy!

Quick Tips for Wellness: Socialism is not the answer. Vote for the President you feel will bring our budget back into balance and can work with both political parties.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sleep positions: What your body might be telling you

Most of us fall asleep in a position that seems natural to us. However, could our body be telling us something we may or may not already know?

According to Dr. Janet Kennedy, a licensed clinical psychologist who created “NYC Sleep Doctor”: A comprehensive source for sleep solutions” (, said the way we sleep tells us a lot about who we are and possibly where our health is headed. Watch Dr. Kennedy’s interview with CBS ( to get a first hand report from the sleep expert.

Fetal position - Dr. Kennedy claims the “fetal position” is the healthiest sleep position because it preserves your back alignment, reflects your personality (sensitive and shy) and is the most popular position (41% sleep in this position).

The “Log” position – (aka side sleepers) 15% of us sleep this way. Their personality reflects someone who is typically social and easy going.

Yearner – About 13% of the population are “Yearner’s” when they sleep (more open to what other people have to say). Someone who sleeps with “outstretched arms” reflects their inner desire to “reach” (or yearn) for something more in their lives. However, “Yearners” have a tendency to be a little suspicious and cynical at times.

Free-fallers - Approximately 7% of the population sleep in the “free-fall” position, on their stomach, with their arms positioned at each side of their head. While children and babies usually sleep in this position because of their flexibility, this is the absolute worse position for adults. They often experience stressful lives and feel anxious when they awake.

Soldier – Quiet and reserved, 8% sleep with their body in a uniform position, on their back with their head on the pillow and arms at their side. Those who sleep like “soliders” usually possess “high standards” in their life.

Starfish – Only 5% of us sleep like a “starfish” (on their back, with arms raised up around their head). These folks tend to make new friends easily.

Back sleepers face one big problem: They usually “snore” which can lead to problems with sleep apnea.

Here’s the kicker: Eleven to thirteen times we change positions when we’re sleeping….so go figure.

Quick Tips for Wellness: How you sleep may be telling you who you are!

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved
Follow me on Twitter @wellnesstips4u and Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Increased drug, alcohol and cigarette use associat...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Increased drug, alcohol and cigarette use associat...: Weight Loss surgery patients, who once used food as their drug of choice, may now be turning to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes for comfort....

Increased drug, alcohol and cigarette use associated with post-Weight Loss Surgery

Weight Loss surgery patients, who once used food as their drug of choice, may now be turning to drugs, alcohol and cigarettes for comfort. According to a recent report in “JAMA Archives of Surgery”, patients turned to these choices post surgery in an attempt to feed their addictive behavior. The participants included 155 patients, of which 122 were women. The report provided and concluded the following:

• “Participants reported significant increases in the frequency of substance use (a composite of drug use, alcohol use, and cigarette smoking, hereafter referred to as composite substance use) 24 months after surgery.”

• “Patients may be at increased risk for substance use following bariatric WLS. In particular, patients who undergo laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery may be at increased risk for alcohol use following WLS.”

The study was conducted from a Compulsive Behavior Questionnaire completed by the volunteers. Initially, the study revealed alcohol abuse was under control during the time-period directly following surgery, but increased within 24 months following surgery.

“Based on the present study, undergoing RYGB surgery appears to increase the risk for alcohol use following WLS,” the authors conclude. “Risks and benefits should be weighted when recommending LRYGB surgery to patients who may be at increased risk of developing problems with alcohol after WLS, such as those with a personal or family history of alcohol abuse or dependence.”

The part of the brain which controls binge eating disorders (BED) also controls drug/alcohol addiction, often producing the same response with food addictions. Alexis Conason, Psy.D., New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center and fellow colleagues conducted the study involving individuals who underwent weight loss surgery. One hundred of those studied received laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, with the remaining fifty-five patients receiving laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery. The baseline of the study was performed over a time span of 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months post surgery.

The study revealed the “frequency” of substance consumption increased post weight loss surgery, specifically laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. However, more research may be required to determine exactly why and which factors contributed to the use.

It would seem to make sense that abusing or consuming drugs and alcohol, which can pass easily through the body, would become the substitute for their past addiction to food. The overwhelming emotional trap, for anyone who is suffering from obesity, is much greater than anyone can fathom. They feel stuck in their body, unable to engage in physical activities, while recovering and limited to the resources used in the past for comfort. It takes an enormous amount of courage for anyone to make the decision to stop the behavior and look for an answer. Part of the long term answer must include counseling/therapy. Only addressing the obesity and not the behavior never changes the future.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Before you choose surgery for your weight problem, choose to get to the root of the problem through therapy and counseling.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved

Follow me on Facebook at Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Poisoning is now the leading cause of death from i...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Poisoning is now the leading cause of death from i...: A 2008 study revealed misuse and abuse of pharmaceutical drugs, used to treat injuries are continuously on the rise. In 1980, traffic accid...

Poisoning is now the leading cause of death from injuries in the United States

A 2008 study revealed misuse and abuse of pharmaceutical drugs, used to treat injuries are continuously on the rise. In 1980, traffic accidents outnumbered deaths 5 to 1 in comparison to drug poisoning. However, those two statistics now compete side by side as the problem with prescription drug deaths continues to escalate.

The Center for Disease (CDC) reported that almost 50% of Americans were using some form of Therapeutic Drugs (47.9% to be exact) between the period of 2005-2008. The data included in the report:

•Percent of persons using at least one prescription drug in the past month: 47.9% (2005-2008)
•Percent of persons using three or more prescription drugs in the past month: 21.4% (2005-2008)
•Percent of persons using five or more prescription drugs in the past month: 10.5% (2005-2008)

The answer to the problem isn’t always as simple as a “yes or no”. Many prescription drugs, when used properly, are needed as part of the healing process. However, long term use of pain medication can lead to complications that require professional guidance to “wean” you off of them.

The weaning from the use of the prescribed drug and the length of time the drug is used is the greater concern. Pain Management physicians can provide guidance and oversight in the administration of noninvasive and nonpharmaceutical pain therapy for pain relief. Rarely will they recommend pharmaceutical drugs as part of their therapy.

Alcohol or other drugs can have severe, if not deadly, effects when combined with prescribed medication. New studies are constantly on the rise revealing that the combination of prescription drugs mixed with alcohol has deadly, neurological effects.

“The Science of Addiction” ( provides substantial evidence that present the harmful effects of drugs mixed when alcohol and their long term consequences.

One fascinating topic covered is how the brain continuously desires the drug of choice once it feeds the “reward” portion of the brain that causes addiction:

“Our brains are wired to ensure that we will repeat life-sustaining activities by associating those activities with pleasure or reward. Whenever this reward circuit is activated, the brain notes that something important is happening that needs to be remembered, and teaches us to do it again and again, without thinking about it. Because drugs of abuse stimulate the same circuit, we learn to abuse drugs in the same way.” (

Drug addiction isn’t a character weakness; it’s a natural tendency the brain desires once the reward circuitry is activated. Avoiding the use of drugs that stimulate the part of our brain’s circuitry, or at the very least avoiding long term use is extremely crucial to enabling our body to heal.

If you or someone you know have a prescription drug dependency, seek immediate treatment by a trained medical expert specializing in prescription drug addiction.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Be aware of the long term effects from any drug you are consuming.

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved
Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Does “Obama-Care” reflect the name? The story of...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: Does “Obama-Care” reflect the name? The story of...: Today’s blog won’t reflect statistics, politics, or polls. What it will reflect is a personal experience shared through an aging senior c...

Does “Obama-Care” reflect the name? The story of Bob and Sue

Today’s blog won’t reflect statistics, politics, or polls. What it will reflect is a personal experience shared through an aging senior couple who can attest first hand to the effects of Obama-Care’s October 1, 2012, policy changes and how they are now being affected by them through the Medicare program. To protect their identity, I’ll call them Bob and Sue. However, rest assured they are not fictitious characters, and their story will likely be, unfortunately, repeated silently for years to come should Obama-Care continue.

Bob is 78 years old and suffers from heart disease, type II diabetes, high blood pressure and severe obesity. Sue is significantly healthier than Bob but suffers from minimal age related symptoms. Due to Bob’s obesity a recent fall required ambulatory assistance and immediate hospital care. Within a few short hours, Bob was sent home but only to fall, again, at least three more times which left him rendered on the floor until the emergency team could rescue him. After the initial fall, the EMT’s only offered to return Bob to his bed or chair but not to the hospital. In speaking with Sue, she believes the reasons Bob is not receiving any further care, treatment or consideration for admission into a nursing home are highly due to the recent changes in Medicare.

Currently, Bob visits his doctor almost every month, but those visits are slowly being narrowed down to less frequent returns, and Sue seems to know why. “They’ll be sued if he keeps going back to the hospital,” Sue said. I quickly corrected her and explained that hospitals are "not being sued” but are facing stiff penalties lest they not provide quality care during hospital visits, which later require the patient to return within 30 days. But here’s the kicker: Sue say’s his personal physician and emergency room doctors aren’t even recommending entry into either a hospital or nursing home, even though Bob’s condition is significantly worsening daily.

Another keen observation Sue shared with me was from their recent emergency room visit. “There was this room surrounded by glass, filled with doctors sitting at computers. When I asked the nurse what they were doing, she explained they were analyzing and reviewing the incoming patient’s condition before they went to see them to diagnose, treat and evaluate them in person.” I informed Sue that the process wasn’t so unusual, especially given the amount of patients who come through an emergency room and how their symptoms and conditions are collected/reported back to a doctor before the patient is seen. However, Sue wasn’t buying my explanation. “The doctor barely spent any time with us when he came in the room and seem to hurry back to the glass room.” You can't fool a senior citizen, I thought to myself as I silenced my response.

Upon leaving the hospital, Sue and Bob returned home, but only to have Bob fall again and again. With Bob’s condition worsening, I asked Sue what she was going to do now that Bob can’t walk, falls down constantly and appears to be experiencing mounting symptoms (i.e. Hallucinations). “I don’t know, since Medicare isn’t allowing Bob to re-enter the hospital or a nursing home.” I asked if her doctor had any prognosis or recommendations for Bob. Sue simply replied, “No.” I urged her to make a list of Bob’s current condition, to keep a diary of his falls and response to medicine, so that his doctor could have enough evidence to admit Bob for more intensive care. Overwhelmed, Sue simply looked lost after listening to my advice. I can’t say I blame her.

The following is where I’m genuinely struggling with Sue and Bob’s experience with the recent changes in the Medicare policy. In the past and for much less severe situations than the one they’re current experiencing, Bob would have entered the hospital. However, now Bob is simply sent home and Sue is left with no further explanation or help. Sue has now been left with the full responsibility of being Bob’s caretaker, however, Sue’s no match for Bob’s condition or equipped to provide the medical treatment he needs. To matters worse, Bob’s current list of prescribed medicine revealed major to minor drug interactions after a quick online review, most of which he was already experiencing including hallucinations and extreme dizziness.

Outwardly, the first two are obviously affecting Bob. Inwardly, who knows what’s going on inside. The initial fall rendered Bob a concusion, severely sprained ankle and the onset of extreme halucinations, none of which were considered worthy of Bob receiving any more care than an emergency room visit.

What does appear to be apparent is this: Bob is being sent home to either die or be cared for by Sue until he does, and doctors are not admitting him into the hospital even though they would have done so in the past. Not once did the suggestion to treat Bob in the hospital or through a care facility become subject matter for discussion between the doctors, patient or family members. Bob’s immobility has now become Sue’s problem, even though Bob outweighs Sue 3 to 1. What happens the next time Bob falls? What happens when Sue calls an ambulance for the umpteenth time to pick Bob back up again? So far, Sue’s been informed that as long as Bob doesn’t go into the ambulance Medicare doesn’t pay the bill. So guess what’s been happening thus far? Bob hasn't seen the inside of an ambulance except once and he was quickly sent back home after a short visit to the emergency room.

Thus, the local volunteer fire department has been Bob’s saving grace, graciously lifting him back up and propping him into bed while Sue offers a small “donation” from her already pinched finances as a gesture of goodwill. Sue’s greatest fear is that the donations will run out and the EMT’s might not be able to “afford” helping her the next time.

So here’s my response to the whole matter: How terribly sad, disgusting and pathetic. Bob and Sue represent a prime reason why Obama-Care does not live up to its name – especially for senior citizens. Prior to the October 1, 2012, changes in Medicare, Bob and Sue felt they had a fairly reasonable assurance Medicare would kick-in when they needed it the most. Now they do not. Simply put: Medicare should now be called “We don't care” because that’s what it’s become.

With all politics set aside, ask yourself this question: Can I live with the current care under the Obama-care policies? If your answer is “yes”, go back to the beginning of this blog and reread it. You may need to, over and over again, as you let it sink in what you might be facing should Obama-Care remain in place in the near future.

Quick Tips for Wellness: Can you or a loved one afford to live like Bob and Sue for another four years?

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All rights reserved

Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

Friday, October 12, 2012

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: "Seasonal allergies" might really be "food allergi...

Quick Tips for Everyday Wellness: "Seasonal allergies" might really be "food allergi...: The long hot summer is the playground for fall allergies and the culprit behind the delayed flu season for many of its sufferers. Ragwe...

"Seasonal allergies" might really be "food allergies"

The long hot summer is the playground for fall allergies and the culprit behind the delayed flu season for many of its sufferers.

Ragweed (see picture above) is very common throughout Virginia. Along with dust, pet dander and general pollen, most of us may not be able to nail down the exact cause. Allergy testing will usually net one of two things:

*Everyone is usually allergic to something

*Most allergist will prescribe some form of treatment or product to make your living area more condusive to eliminating allergens, even when your allergy test doesn’t pin-point the cause behind your allergic reactions.

About three years ago I had been suffering from allergies for long enough and decided to go the method of allergy testing. Even though, my allergist told me that not every allergic reaction appears on the testing, I felt it might tell me something I hadn’t known before. However, it did not. With his advice, I began receiving two shots a week and agreed to continue the treatment over a period of several months.

The first onset of allergy shots felt like a “jolt” to my body. However, my system slowly started resisting the effects, and I returned to my “sneezing, wheezing and hacking” self.

About six months into the shot routine I began changing my lifestyle, becoming more aware of what I was eating/consuming and started living much healthier (nutritionally and physically) than I had in previous years. Once I began this new lifestyle I noticed a dramatic change in my “allergic” condition: My allergies went away. Those changes included the following:

*Whole, natural and organic foods
*Eliminated preservatives
*Exercise 30- 45 minutes a day
*Eliminated all “red” meat and pork

My conclusion after changing my lifestyle was that it must have been a culprit behind my allergic condition, especially since my allergies were not just problematically related to the season but had remained a continuous problem for years.

Quick Tips for Wellness: If you are suffering from seasonal allergies and have tried over the counter drugs (i.e. Antihistamines) and you are still suffering, try changing your nutrition. You might just be surprised how quickly your allergies go away!

Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © All Rights Reserved
Follow me on Facebook at Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u