Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hidden sodium.....bread lovers beware

Most of us assume sodium to be in anything preserved, but rarely do we think about a higher than acceptable amount of sodium being in our slice of bread.  Did you know that “bread” is at the top of the list for food containing the highest average amount of sodium per food item?  Well, it is.  No matter how the bread is made (organic to white/enriched/bleached bread), a fair amount of sodium is added and appears in every slice.  The average slice of bread contains about 150 mg of sodium.  The maximum recommended amount of sodium per day can range from 1400-2500 mg per day (based upon health, ethnicity and weight). 

So how do you find low sodium bread and what should you look for when searching?  First, never compromise quality for quantity.  For example, “white bread” is usually lower in sodium; however, it is the unhealthier choice for you (enriched/bleached).  The better and healthier alternative is whole wheat bread (even though it’s about 20 mg higher in sodium than the average slice of white bread, it’s the healthier choice).  Look for recipes that suggest healthier/lower sodium alternatives when making homemade bread.

A few excellent websites for bread recipes and off the shelf bread products are listed below:

Low Salt Foods lists many off the shelf products that have lower sodium content. (http://www.lowsaltfoods.com/food_center/lsfoods/breads.htm)

The Cleveland Clinic has a list of foods, including bread, and their sodium contents. (http://my.clevelandclinic.org/disorders/heart_failure/hic_low-sodium_guidelines_for_heart_failure.aspx)

EHow lists Pepperidge Farms Stoneground or Whole Wheat, Sara Lee’s Heart Healthy Classic and Whole Wheat, and Oroweats Masters bread as some of the better choices

Healthy bread has many benefits to our diet such as fiber.  Learning to read the label on food will help you make the best choice when choosing the best bread.  Equally beneficial when choosing bread is making sure you avoid the words “enriched and bleached” in the label.  Look for the words “whole wheat” on the label and avoid breads with a higher than normal sodium content.

Quick Tips for Wellness:  Avoid hidden sodium by reading the label.

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