Monday, May 14, 2012

Celebrate Mother's Day with the gift of life in dedication to your mother: Become an organ donor

Mother’s Day originated thousands of years ago and evolved into a day in which we reflected and celebrated our mom in a special way. Typically, more church pews are filled to capacity, and more greeting cards are bought on this day than any other. It’s hard to imagine that one day conjures up so much honor and reflection, but it does. Over the years, I’ve tried to think of ways in which I could celebrate and remember my mom, who is still alive, and what her life has meant to me as a woman, mom and wife. I know I’ll never understand or conceive all that she has given to me and the complete value of her sacrifices. What I do know is that I want to honor her life with my life, even beyond my “living” years. Many, many years ago, I became an “organ donor”, mostly so that my life could be extended beyond myself. Today, as I celebrate my mom and the sacrifices she made to bring me into this world, I realize I am also extending her life in me to the life of someone else, one day. If I could only imagine now, the life or lives my body could one day save, help and bless I’m certain it would be overwhelming. What a beautiful thought especially today as you each celebrate the gift that only your mom could give (life) and the unconditional love she gave and poured into your life. Of course, there are the “surrogate” mom’s in our lives, as well. Those women birthed in us who we’ve become. The woman who “adopted” us as her own and loved us beyond a physical womb, calling us her “child”, as she selflessly poured herself into our lives. The women who pass through our lives treating us as if they gave birth to us, while holding us and simply being “momma’s” to us when we least expect or deserve their unconditional love. A woman’s body initiates the start of our lives but a mother’s heart is what makes a woman a mother. Today, as you reflect upon your life and honor the lives and memory of your mother(s) do something that will extend your love way beyond your years; become an organ donor. It’s the greatest way to say “I love you, mom” and it will be the gift that keeps on giving in honor of the life she gave to you. To learn more about becoming an organ donor, visit the following links:, Blessings to all the “moms” in our lives, today! Quick Tips for Wellness ™ Copyright © 2012, All Rights Reserved Follow me on Facebook Quick Tips for Wellness and Twitter @wellnesstips4u

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