Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chocolate....sinful delight or healthy indulgence?

Choc-o-late......even the word sounds a bit indulgent and delicious!  I've rarely met anyone (and probably not one lady) who doesn't at least like chocolate.  But when you're on your journey to becoming healthy is chocolate really (really????.....) a good choice?  Yes!  It can be an absolutely excellent choice, depending upon the type and amount consumed. 

*Chocolate is made from "cacao" or commonly known as "cocoa" and is a member of the "fruit" family.
*Fruits contain antioxidants.
*Antioxidants fight the invasion of toxins in our bodies, which in turn fights disease and infection.
*Special Dark chocolate contains about four times more antioxidants than milk chocolate, much more than herbal teas or a glass of red wine.
*One piece (1 oz) of Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Miniatures contains about 40 calories, 1.4 grams of saturated fat, no cholesterol and only 10 grams of sodium.
*A healthy (need to eat between meals) snack should have around 100-150 calories (depending upon your caloric needs), remaining low in saturated fat and cholesterol.  A few pieces of dark chocolate, once a day between meals, would be a "healthy" choice.

Because "food is fuel" for our body eating the right food produces the right fuel that we need everyday.  So the next time you get a craving/urge for something sweet, choose a piece (1 oz) of special dark chocolate (not milk chocolate).  Both your palette, your body and your stomach will thank you!

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