Saturday, August 20, 2011

Angiogenesis based therapy; fighting the cancer war from within

Dr. William Li, President of the Angiogenesis Foundation and cancer researcher, made a recent guest appearance on the Dr. Oz show ( and pointed out a very important fact:  We all consume medicine three times a day (through the meals we eat).  That one statement took me aback as I intently listened to his every word during his appearance.  Included in his list of becoming aware of cancer enhancing conditions were:  Understanding how the effects of obesity, disease (i.e. diabetes) and the consumption of certain foods can relate to prompting cancer(s) in our body and what things to avoid or consume (as much as possible) in our fight against cancer.   Dr. Li’s angiogenesis approach to fighting cancer is both interesting and provocative.  The thought that what we consume can aid our bodies naturally, especially during the early stages of prevention, was astounding to me.  Daily our bodies are fighting the war within through what we consume and expose ourselves to; that’s where becoming proactive (and not complacent) really matters most.  The more we ignore our natural vulnerabilities to the possible progression of cancer, the more likely we will indirectly expose ourselves to the growth of cancer within.   Angiogenesis related therapy through nutrition and exercise, combined with certain vitamins, nutrients and minerals, naturally helps us fight this war.

What is “Angiogenesis”? 

“Angiogenesis, the growth of new capillary blood vessels in the body, is an important natural process in the body used for healing and reproduction. The body controls angiogenesis by producing a precise balance of growth and inhibitory factors in healthy tissues.

When this balance is disturbed, the result is either too much or too little angiogenesis. Abnormal blood vessel growth, either excessive or insufficient, is now recognized as a “common denominator” underlying many deadly and debilitating conditions, including cancer, skin diseases, age-related blindness, diabetic ulcers, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and many others. The list of diseases that have angiogenesis as an underlying mechanism grows longer every year.” (

Creating a “balance” within our bodies can only help our body perform naturally to heal itself.  Everything we consume affects that process.  Learning how to “starve” cancer cells through Angiogenesis based therapy can naturally inhibit the growth of cancer cells while stimulating the balance of the healing process.  A cancer tumor releases growth factor proteins which in turn stimulate blood vessels to grow into the tumor, feeding it the nutrition it needs to continue growing.  Once we “starve” this process, our body stops feeding the cancer and starts healing the body naturally.  Newer classes, along with some old, of cancer medicines that block angiogenesis are now being used to treat various cancers, from colon, to kidney, breast, liver, brain, thyroid and more. 

Six Super-foods

Is it possible to eat our way toward (not only) good health, while naturally staging a war against cancer?  New research reveals a few things about the “war within” us.

1)       Recent studies of 40 women discovered that 40% of them had microscopic breast cancer cells

2)      And also most 100% of older adults, age 70, had microscopic cancer cells in their thyroid glands

More shocking is that within as little as two weeks a cancer cell can grow up to 16,000 times in size.  The sooner we start practicing wellness from “within” the better chance we have to keep up the good fight.

“Diet” is extremely important in equipping of our bodies with what we need to balance angiogenesis.  The list is extensive, so visit to see the entire list of cancer fighting foods.  Entry to this part of the site will require you to join for free, but its well worth the extensive information it provides.

The top six food categories include:

Fish and shellfish – Mostly omega 3 fatty acid fish and shellfish with low mercury are recommended. 

Fruits – From apples, to berries, lemons, some citrus, grapes, and cherries, fruits play an important role in our daily diet.

Seasonings – Italian, Indian, and a few in-between, herbs and spices are highly recommended.

Legumes – Think lentils, lima beans and tofu and you’re in the right direction.

Mushrooms – Enoki to Shiitake mushrooms along with a few more are a must have.

Vegetables – Everything from artichoke to winter squash, veggies are a must.

Other – Dark chocolate, green tea and maple syrup.

Five must eat foods:

The five “must eat food” in your daily diet include:  Bok Choy (contains brassinin, also found in broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts); cooked tomatoes (contains lycopene); flounder (high in Omega 3’s and low in mercury); strawberries (including the juice); artichokes (contains three fighting cancer molecules).  For the recommended amount to consume, visit 


When we exercise we not only supply the blood our muscles need to build, restore and replenish, we also attract the stem cells that reside in the bone marrow to circulate, assisting in the healthy growth process.  Regular exercise is extremely important to balancing the angiogenesis process our body needs for overall wellness. (See references from the website on exercise:  Bonsignore MR, Morici G, Riccioni R, et. al. Hemopoietic and angiogenetic progenitors in healthy athletes: different responses to endurance and maximal exercise. J Appl Physiol. 2010 Jul; 109(1):60-7. Möbius-Winkler S, Hilberg T, Menzel K, et. al. Time-dependent mobilization of circulating progenitor cells during strenuous exercise in healthy individuals. Appl Physiol. 2009 Dec;107(6):1943-50. Tang K, Xia FC, Wagner PD, Breen EC. Exercise-induced VEGF transcriptional activation in brain, lung and skeletal muscle. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2010 Jan 31;170(1):16-22.)

Sleep and relaxation

Extremely important are both sleep and relaxation.  When our bodies are “stressed” we naturally release catecholamine and neuropeptides (both cancer influencing molecules, causing cancer cell growth and tumor vascularization).  Relaxation and sleep help to decrease these two in the blood stream.  (

To learn more about this fascinating research and study, visit Dr. Li’s, “The Angiogenesis Foundation” at 

Quick tip for wellness:  Our bodies were naturally made by God to heal themselves.

Quick tips for Wellness, Pat Ferguson, Copyright © 2011, All rights reserved

Disclaimer:  The information contained in this article is not provided as medical advice.  It is highly recommended that the reader seeks a medically licensed professional for the appropriate treatment of their condition.

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