Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The ABC’s of vitamins; which ones do you really need?

There is much debate on whether taking vitamins is really necessary. So to answer that question, I researched the findings on this matter through several reliable resources including http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/foodnut/09315.html and http://www.immunehealthscience.com/facts-about-vitamins.html. I'm certain there will always be a lot of "hype" behind vitamins that are simply there to sell the product, but hopefully this blog will help you understand better how much, which type and when to take vitamins/supplements. My standard response regarding vitamins has never wavered: Eat your vitamins through a healthy diet. Not only are you eating nutritional food as a whole product you're also receiving several other benefits from the whole food that would require a menagerie of pills to supply, much of which could do more harm than good. So here are my findings:

*Fat soluble versus water soluble vitamins

All vitamins fall into one of these two categories with the main difference being this; fat is stored, water is released immediately.

** Fat soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and fat tissue, released back into the body as needed (i.e. vitamins A, E, D and K). Overtaking what your body needs can actually lead to doing more damage than good, becoming toxic. It is always advised to "get" your vitamins through your food. Visit http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/foodnut/09315.html for a comprehensive food list on these vitamins.

**Water soluble vitamins are released immediately in the body. Vitamins C and B are the remaining vitamins we need on a daily basis. These vitamins pass thru us, disposing of the excess (what our body doesn't need) through our urine.

*Recommended Daily Allowance (vitamins and minerals)

This website http://www.dietandfitnesstoday.com/rda.php provides a great tool for determining exactly what you need for your body/gender/age through a simple to use calculator. Instead of throwing money at what seems like the right answer, why not see exactly what your body needs?

I must say, I am overly concerned by the promotion of certain vitamin shots (i.e. vitamin D injections). While they could (in extreme cases) help someone, I honestly cannot stand behind them as being the best answer. Again, this is simply my opinion but I feel it's a very, very valid concern. Shots and pills are never the best substitute for practicing proper eating. In reality, they're a shortcut which does not address the real problem; why is our body deficient and is there something naturally we can do to help our body? If, and only if, you've been thoroughly evaluated and a deficiency that cannot be corrected through proper dieting is determined, then receiving what you need from supplements might be the answer.

If you're like me, I've been influenced over the years to think I need to supplement my body's daily requirements of vitamins/minerals because what I eat isn't going to be enough. The truth is how do I know which vitamins/minerals I'm lacking (unless I am fully evaluated by a board certified nutritionist/clinical dietician)? While certain vitamins can help boost my deficiency(s) when needed, if I eat four to five servings of fresh fruit/vegetables daily, incorporate certain seafood (salmon/tuna), lean organic meat (i.e. chicken, turkey) or tofu into my daily diet then I'm probably getting all the requirements I need. The above resources provide comprehensive lists, informing us which foods supply certain vitamins/minerals that our body needs. I would advise you to review those sites, picking the foods your body needs and you enjoy eating, and start incorporating them back into your daily diet. You'll be surprised how much better you feel (almost immediately) when you simply practice wellness on a daily basis.

Quick tip for wellness: Look to nature for what your body needs and you'll get everything your body wants through a whole and complete natural process.

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