Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Part 1: The marriage of Calcium and Vitamin D; why the two mean so much to our overall wellness

The purpose for taking any "supplement" is to assist your overall diet in receiving whatever it is lacking, however, overtaking vitamins and minerals simply does more harm than good. Calcium and Vitamin D play a huge role in supplying our body's cellular and bone structure. There is a very good chance that if you are consuming three servings of dairy a day (i.e. milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, low fat butter, etc.) you are consuming enough of both calcium and Vitamin D to not need additional help (i.e. supplements) unless you've been diagnosed with a deficiency by your doctor.


The calcium and vitamin D relationship work together for the benefit of our "bones". As we age, we will experience bone loss. Ensuring that we are getting what we need through our daily diet (at any age) is the best way to stay healthy. Understanding the relationship between these two is equally important. Here are the primary functions/purpose of the two and how they work together for our good:

*Vitamin D helps to absorb and use Calcium and phosphorus, releasing it when it is needed the most.

*Calcium and phosphorus builds and maintains strong bones, while calcium specifically assists our cells, muscles and nerves in functioning properly. When we are calcium deficient, our body takes what it needs from our bones, depleting our bone density.


Exceeding the recommended amounts of Calcium and Vitamin D can result in certain health risks:

*1200-1500 mg a day of Calcium is recommended – exceeding this amount can possibly lead to the development of kidney stones (never take more than 2000mg per day of calcium)

*Daily recommended dosage of Vitamin D is 200 units/children; 400 units/under 70; 600 units/over 70; 800 units/women over 40


So here's the simplest way to determine if you're getting enough Vitamin D; are you consuming three servings a day of diary? If the answer is yes, then you're probably "ok". If not, then first start consuming your vitamin D through your diet. You have to eat healthy, right? So why not consume naturally what your body needs through your daily nutrition. If you're a woman, then taking in an extra serving of vitamin D and calcium through your diet is highly advised.


Stay tuned for Part II: Vitamin D3 (aka cholecalciferol)…..the natural way to heal depression and other deficiency side effects.

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