Sunday, April 17, 2011

Reversing the fat gene; what does faith have to do with it?

As a society, we often like to categorize ourselves into square boxes in order to understand who, what, and why we are the way we are. It just makes sense when we help our brain wrap itself around the information instead of "fighting off" the truth. But if you're in the box that says "fat gene family", you are more than likely wanting to move across the street to the skinny farm family address. Although my family history wouldn't have classified me as such I can fully understand the emotional roller coaster that comes with being obese and the overwhelming difficulty of becoming healthy.


Growing up in the 60's, I was born during the birth of "Pop-Tarts" and "Frosted Flakes". My daily routinely started off being fed a sugar based breakfast, followed by a homemade lunch (topped off with an ice cream sandwich, of course), and a healthy (meat, potatoes, gravy, veggies and bread) homemade dinner. Both my parents worked outside the home but were pretty old fashioned about the family meal (which I continued into my own home while raising our three sons). Active and always on the run, I would have been labeled a "healthy" weight during my childhood. But by my teen years my "playing outside" became exchanged for more teenage activities (like hanging out with my friends, listening to music, driving the strip at Virginia Beach, etc.). At thirteen years old my Dad left home, mom became a single mom and I was pretty much left to take care of myself. My well rounded routine began to change dramatically; no breakfast, junk for lunch and rarely a home cooked meal. This routine began to shape the following years as well as my waist line. Needless to say, I began experiencing the anxiety and endless cycle of feeling defeated when it came to weight gain. Although it would take thirty plus years, I would eventually add almost sixty pounds to my petite five foot frame. Albeit I didn't come from a family with a history of obesity I felt that I was beginning to wonder if I didn't have a "fat gene" here or there in the hiding.


And then forty hit me like a ton of bricks. A victim of a drunk driver hit and run car accident I was left with injuries up and down my right side (torn rotator cuff, torn meniscus, sciatica, three bulging discs and systemic depression brought on by PTSD – post traumatic stress disorder). Within a few short years I gained an additional forty pounds blossoming up to 174 lbs in my five foot frame. Miserable and feeling defeated I began reading and digesting everything I could about my condition, trying everything imaginable (except surgery) to lose the weight. From mail order food to gym memberships, I ran the gamut of choices only to feel like I must be another victim of the dreaded "fat gene". Some of my relatives were similar in shape to me; short "pear-like" women who just seemed to hold onto their weight below the belt. Maybe I would just carry on the tradition. I started to become complacent to my condition waving farewell to the hope that I would ever see anything change.


In 2008, I suffered a pretty bad fall causing my previous injuries to become increasingly worse. By 2009 I elected to have knee surgery for my meniscus tear. By January of 2010, I was in therapy for my knee and feeling overwhelmed. My weight, still topping over 170 lbs, only added to my knee problems as well as my ability to see any hope for my future. Feeling defeated and hopeless I tried something that had never occurred to me to try before; I asked God to help me and heal me – of my obesity, my injuries and my depression. While this will be hard for some to understand, that became my answer. It wasn't easy and didn't happen overnight (but over the course of a year) for my "fat gene" to be exchanged for my new outlook on life. My new healthy lifestyle of both diet and exercise allowed me to naturally loose 57 lbs and over 57 inches. It also enabled me to understand my body, how it works and why I gained so much weight and how to keep it off. To this day I no longer struggle with weight gain, have found a way to keep the weight in-check and off, while enjoying physically, emotionally and spiritually a new lease on life.


Regardless if you're suffering from a genetic disposition or if you have adopted an unhealthy lifestyle, struggling with your weight is a real problem. For me, I found that until I completely surrendered my injuries, weakness and my lack of self control (yes, self control…..put the donut down…..) nothing would change. No pill, no surgery and no store bought diet could have done for me what surrendering my will to God and asking for His help did.


My personal experience has given me a passion and compassion for understanding those who suffer from obesity, their trials, struggles and social acceptance. Medical studies in obesity definitely point to many genetic factors related to the "fat gene", so please know that I agree with it's significance and impact on anyone's struggle to overcome obesity. But I've learned an important lesson in all of the studying and examining of this subject; you can overcome the fat gene through practicing wellness. I teach a monthly four hour class on "wellness for weight loss" from a biblical perspective at my church, which embodies the mind, body and spirit connection. It has been this teaching that has helped hundreds of my attendees and their families reverse years of unhealthy living.


Here is my best advice for you today: If you're feeling overwhelmed, depressed and hopeless about being obese why not consider asking God for help? I'm not here to promote myself or my seminar's to you, but I am here to share my personal testimony about the dramatic changes made in my life through my simple act of asking God to help me. Maybe, just maybe my story can become your story, as well. I'm here to help you so just ask! And by all means, make sure you ask for professional medical advice when it comes to your health. A clinical dietician or nutritionist is the best qualified physician when it comes to nutrition. But remember….God is the great physician and He's here for free!


God bless you as you pursue Him and your wellness, today!

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