Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Benefits of Fasting

When we think of “fasting” we think of surviving off nothing but water.  But in reality fasting is a word that is used to define one primary thing:  To abstain from (stop consuming) food or drink for a period of time.  Some religions teach certain types of fasting focusing on a biblical principal (i.e. The Daniel Fast, Water fasting (as Jesus did for 40 days, etc.)  Because we are “mind, body and spiritual” beings, fasting can prove to be both beneficial to our health as well as our overall wellness.   Depending upon the type of fast, fasting can greatly benefit the body while removing toxins and renewing/replenishing vital minerals and nutrients into our body.  Below are some essentials to include when you are fasting for wellness:

*Antioxidants – Load-up on fresh berries, almonds, walnuts and dark/bright vegetables.  Have at least five servings (1 cup approximately) of any combination, a day.

*Pro-biotics – Good bacteria (i.e. yogurt) creates healthy anti-bodies while flushing out our system.  Consume two six ounce servings per day.

*Fresh fish – Salmon and Tuna both have excellent omega 3 fatty acids and remain an outstanding choice for lean protein.  Recommend 6-9 ounces per day.

*Ionized Alkaline Water – An excellent way to flush out toxins, improve blood circulation and restore pancreatic functions that work with creating insulin.   Always consume at least 64 ounces of water per day.

*Mineral Water – If you cannot afford “Ionized Alkaline Water”, mineral water is a good source for water.  Again, 64 ounces per day is recommended.

What you eliminate from your diet during a fast is extremely important.  Why?  Remember that a fast is a period of time set aside to “stop” consuming something that will/could distract you from your purpose for fasting.  I do not recommend a water-only fast, due to the health implications that can occur.  I always recommend that anyone who decides to go on a fast check with their primary care physician before doing so.  Take with you a list of the food/drink you plan to consume during your fast.  If your fasting is focused on consuming “healthy” choices while eliminating unhealthy choices, all the better!

Quick Tip for Wellness:  Fasting for wellness = a healthy outcome.

Quick Tips for Wellness Copyright © 2011, All Rights Reserved

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