Sunday, June 12, 2011

Change; four principals to turn your life around

Why is change so hard for us to do? Could it be we're simply "stuck" in our ways and don't want to change? Yes. In a nutshell, that's probably all it really is. What we want is what change provides (something better for our lives) but we don't want to do the work to change. According to my resources, only 4% of those who attend a seminar, hire a personal trainer/coach, or join a gym actually apply what they learn and "change". Pretty pitiful statistics, but a realistic view of what is at the core of the problem when it comes to change: Our personal lack of discipline. With so many temptations and reasons to quit, making a life change is a pretty miraculous thing to accomplish. We marvel at those who reach their goals and wonder what "magic pill" they consumed to get there. Once we learn that it was nothing less than hard work, discipline and time, we (somehow) become disenchanted at the prospect it will take to swallow that pill for our self.

There are four principals I apply in my life whenever I want to accomplish or change something: Goal, objective, outcome and faith.


If I don't start with the "end in mind", (thank you Steven Covey, "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People") knowing where I want to be as a result of my hard work, then I am directionless in getting there. It doesn't matter how large the goal but how important the goal is to me. If the goal isn't more important than what may come along to interfere with it, I will more than likely fail at reaching it.


The end results are what will motivate you to reach your goal. Although you may not fully be able to visualize the end results, envisioning it on some level is important in reaching it.


Is the sacrifice (what it will take for you to reach your goal) worth the price (time, discipline and change) you will have to pay for the goal you're trying to reach? If you can't see the "value" in what you're doing you won't value where you're going.

After having tried every diet, training and membership for wellness known to mankind, I realized that it wasn't going to take a quick fix or an overnight answer to see my life change for the better. The change I had to make first was in one organ of my body; my mind. Once I changed my mind (my thinking and perception) my mind changed me. I stopped looking for instant results and started embracing the process of change. Each day, I charted my progress, worked toward my goal and patted myself on the back as my body began changing. Each pound, each pain free day and every inch was one more step towards my outcome. The best part was this; sticking with my new "self" wasn't difficult to do and I no longer desired past habits or poor choices. Not only has my body thanked me my mind is relieved that I have put the past behind me and my future looks brighter than ever.


At the core of what I teach is that we are only as strong as our weakest link. If our faith is our weakest link, then we will fail. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" is a wonderful scripture that I embrace whenever I find myself overwhelmed with the future. When I know that my strength is not in what I can humanly do/perform on my own but what I can do with the help of God in my life, I am stronger simply because my resource for my strength is not solely reliant upon me. It's amazing how we'll turn to a stranger for help but ignore the "One" who is always there, just waiting for us to ask; God.

Quick tip for wellness: Change, objective, outcome and faith result in turning your life around.

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