Tuesday, March 8, 2011

B12 and anemia; make the connection

Shellfish, eggs, poultry, chicken and meat assist in supplying B12 to our bodies, which is needed to produce red blood cells in turn providing oxygen to our tissue and cells. Producing enough B12 to our body requires two things; food and intrinsic factors (a special protein found in the cells of our stomach). The lack of these two working together eventually produces anemia leading to other health related problems and symptoms such as:


*Loss of balance


*Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet



*Loss of appetite

*Pale skin

*Shortness of breath during exercise

*Swollen red tongue or bleeding gums


What if I have some of these symptoms?

If you suspect anemia see a doctor immediately. Simple blood tests (see below list) can help determine an exact cause of your condition and appropriate treatment:

CBC (Complete blood count) - Testing to determine your white/red blood count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit (fractional measurement of red blood count).

Reticulocyte count – Determines if red blood cells are being produced by the bone marrow at an appropriate rate.

Schilling test – Determines if the body is absorbing B12.

LDH – Measures tissue damage caused by a lack of B12.

Folic acid test – Helps measure the amount of folic acid in the tissue, which in turns works with our DNA to rebuild needed cells/tissues for our body to perform as it should.


What happens when I ignore my condition?

The potential for tissue damage and the lack of rebuilding healthy tissue/cells that your body needs is your greatest immediate risk. Do not wait or self diagnose your condition. If you suspect that you have anemia, see a doctor and start eating B12 related foods immediately.

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