Thursday, March 17, 2011

Toxins; signs, symptoms and what to do about them

Bloating….constipation…..swelling of the hands and feet…each are potential signs that our body might be holding onto "toxins" which enter into our system through food, beverage and the environment. Our body was designed to naturally filter and remove toxins; however, when our organs become overloaded with toxins it has more of struggle than usual in disposing them. So how do you know if your body is "toxic"?

*Swelling of hands and feet



*Swollen and/or tender breasts during menstruation




*Depression and anxiety

*Disease (i.e. Diabetes)

(There are many more signs/symptoms than just the ones listed above)


So what can you do to rid your body of these toxins? First, you need to detoxify your system while also rebuilding your immunities. While there are many detoxification programs in the marketplace, I suggest that you start with changing your diet (food/beverage) and your daily physical activity (exercise). Once you change what you are feeding your body your body will naturally start the healing process of detoxifying/cleansing, rebuilding and restoring. A brief list of foods and beverages are provided below that will help you get started on your path toward wellness:

*5 servings of fresh fruits/vegetables daily – Berries, apples, pears, oranges, grapes, carrots, tomatoes, red potatoes, broccoli, various peppers.

*Natural herbal teas – Green, red and white teas are some of the best resources for anti-oxidants for flushing out your system

*Special Dark Chocolate (at least 60% cocoa) – 1 ounce of special dark chocolate has four times the antioxidants compared to natural herb teas and many natural spices

*Yogurt, Fish – Contains Omega 3 Fatty Acids, which assist in reducing triglycerides, slowing the growth of plaque and lower blood pressure. Recommend organic and/or low fat products for yogurt.


Exercise plays an equal part in assisting our body's natural process of ridding toxins. Not only do they assist, they help rebuild our immune system and our emotional/mental health as well:

*Aerobic (Cardio) – Any exercise which causes you to breath rapidly/continuously. Adding at least 15 – 30 minutes a day to your daily routine will do wonders for your natural body functions (i.e. bowel movement, heart, digestive tract, etc.).

*Anaerobic (Weight lift/resistance training) – Using weights to build muscles does more than just give you an awesome physique; it helps your body build a core structure working constantly for your overall wellbeing.

*Stretching/yoga/Pilates – Toxins easily build up in our tissues. Stretching, including yoga and Pilates, helps to release these toxins out of our tissue while also keeping our body flexible. Flexibility is a key component in helping our body stay fit. When we are "stiff" we are more likely to suffer injuries from being in-balanced.


Other important things to do include:

*Prayer – Taking time to meditate/pray and seek God's purpose/plan for your life is the most important step in "detoxifying" your body. The mind is the first filter that everything we do/consume filters through. If our mind is "toxic" then regardless of the physical things we do and consume to detoxify, we will remain toxic.

*Deep tissue massage – I cannot stress enough how important routine (every 7-14 days) deep tissue massages are to our overall health/wellbeing. Lactic acids build up in our body and needs assistance in being released naturally. Deep tissue massages help assist the removal of these toxins (amongst other things, such as diet/exercise).


Quick Tip: If it all sounds too overwhelming, at least start with changing/adding one thing from each of the above categories to your daily regimen. You'll be surprised at what a difference small change's can make when routinely practiced.

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