Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Losing weight while you sleep….????? Find out why

If you've ever weighed yourself at different times of the day you'll notice a fluctuation between two to five pounds, mostly caused by our intake/outtake of liquids and food. While our body is constantly processing (storing and burning) what we eat and drink, our actual weight gain (usually) won't occur for up to 70+/- hours later. Why? Because we are constantly emitting fluid through the process of respiration (exhaling) and transpiration (sweating), while also burning stored fat (through muscle mass and exercise) and/or building muscle mass (through weight lifting/resistance training). The actual weight we gain as a result of what was able to be burned versus stored takes about 2-3 days to fully process.

Even when we sleep we are processing energy throughout our body. When we exhale, our body is pushing out fluid through respiration. Try holding a mirror just a few inches from your mouth and you'll see moisture collect. Even though it's a small amount, moisture through respiration and transpiration releases fluid(s) from our body, thus causing temporary weight loss. After our first trip to the bathroom in the morning, we see the results of the fluid weight we've lost during the night.

When we overeat (excess calories that cannot be burned naturally through activity during a twenty four hour period) our body starts the process of storing/building and releasing (through urination and bowel movements). For this reason it is advised not to eat three to four hours before bedtime because our activity level drops and we are less likely to burn off the calories through normal activity, thus storing them instead.

So, while you may want to "pat" yourself on the back in the morning at your first weigh-in just remember that this temporary loss is just that; temporary. Real weight loss takes about 2-3 days to realize once you start a regimen for wellness.

Quick tip for wellness: What I eat/drink today will show on the scale a few days from now.

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